Rail Franchise performance meeting minutes - 23 July 2015

Transport Scotland attendees: Andrew Mackie (AM), Donald Smith (DS), Paula Somerville (PS)
Scotrail attendees: John McLachlan (JM), Peter O’Connell (PO)
Transport Scotland apologies: Agnes McKeever (AMc)
ScotRail apologies: Ian McConnell (IM), Rob Shorthouse (RS)

1) Minutes of previous meeting:


2) Actions arising from previous meeting

Meeting structures – Most of the meetings are now up and running. Meetings for Special events, Marketing and fares, Passenger numbers and crowding have still to be arranged. AM will pull together a proposed agenda for Passenger numbers and Ross Clark will likely attend. The first Franchise Performance Quarterly meeting should take place around mid-September, TS will send SR proposed dates. AP – AM & PS

Provision of Schedule 13 information – AM noted that it would be helpful if the table in SR’s report could reflect table 4 or if the existing information can be expanded to provide explanation/commentary.

Performance of measures statistics – TS to review performance statistics published on SR’s website and consider them in relation to the contract. AP - TS

Special events calendar – AM noted that the special events calendar is defined in the Franchise Agreement. JM confirmed that the special events calendar has been updated and will send to TS. AP - JM

TS non-executive membership of the Alliancing Board – PS to flag with Keavy O’Neill that this is something that should be factored into the media planner. AP – PS

7 x Class 321 introduction –AM asked SR if it could keep TS updated. AP - SR

CET variation – TS will send SR this variation in the next week. AP - TS

OHC to meet with Serco regarding station enhancements.
Post Meeting Note – The station enhancements meeting took place with TS and SERCO to understand SERCO’s delivery of COs and the interface with ScotRail in taking forward the enhancements at stations. SERCO advised that it is in regular liaison with ScotRail and a number of joint site visits at stations have already taken place. Going forward SERCO will continue to engage with ScotRail on the COs.

Open Golf – SR to provide information about how successful the golf product was alongside the Winchburgh tunnel works. AP - SR

3) Service delivery performance (Schedule 7.1)

PPM for Period 3 was 93.4% which is above target (92.9%). A Performance Steering Group meeting is due to take place tomorrow.

Cancellations for Period 3 - Rural has exceeded the benchmark by 0.02% and Suburban West Peak by 0.05%. AM asked if SR could provide MAA figures in its Franchise Report for clarity. AM also asked SR to clarify the figures which do not tally in the Report where benchmark has been exceeded. AP – SR

Delay minutes overall – This was above the target and reflects PPM.

4) Service quality performance (Schedule 7.3):

The main issues for penalties were as follows:

Schedule 1 - Ticket offices,
Schedule 5 – CCTV
Schedule 7 – Station litter and contamination Schedule 17 - Train PA
Schedule 32 – Passenger entertainment

It was also noted discussions between TS and SR had taken place and agreement reached on how to tackle tripping hazards with RED issues being tackled as a matter of urgency.

5) Financial obligations and undertakings (Schedule 12)

No finance meeting took place this week. The meeting will be rescheduled.

6) Provision of Schedule 13 information

Regarding performance measured causing three minutes delay or more expressed as miles per technical failure listed in the table of the Report, AM noted that each class of fleet has a different class of miles per technical difficulties, and asked if the figure in the Report of 13,310 was the figure that lists them all together? JM noted that this is the moving annual average metric figure. AM requested this figure be broken down per fleet to allow tracking of the Committed obligation. This would only be required on a quarterly basis. AM asked JM to check with rolling stock colleagues to ascertain if they could provide this information? AP - JM

It was noted that as more people become aware of claiming back on delay then this will become an upward trend.

Schedule 13.2, B information, ScotRail vehicles locked out of use table – AM will speak to Rolling Stock colleagues in TS to determine if this information in its current form is useful. AM asked SR to define what Engine Out means? AP – AM/SR

7) Summary of all Committed Obligations delivered to date

SR has set up a control room for COs. Only green and red COs are listed in the report and amber are listed in the control rooms. TS will look at it in context of the control room.

CO 11.2 – Jerry Farquharson is taking the lead for the crowding team.

CO 17.1 – SR is delivering on this. AM asked SR to provide more information. AP – SR

8) Pending variations

A variation is pending for Borders, which Kirsty has provided an update on, SMART, and SQUIRE.

9) Progress of Priced Options 2 (Stranraer) and 4 (Dunbar station)

PO 2, Stranraer services – Some issues to be resolved with NWR.

PO 4, Dunbar Station – This is now live

10) Business Plan update

No issues discussed.

11) AOB

Monitoring ATG queue times (Schedule 1.3 – Clause 4.5) – AM asked SR to assess queuing times where automatic ticked barriers have been installed. TS are keen to monitor flows to understand where specific local issues are, and also to make use of this data to quantify the future effectiveness of Smart ticketing in assisting passenger flow. AP - SR

Director Organisational chart – SR noted that this is still fluid and it is going through the formal process of finalising areas such as work structures and job descriptions. SR advised that this process will not be complete until mid to late December but that an organogram structure should be in place by the next Performance Meeting and it will share with TS when it becomes available. AP - SR

Borders station – JM advised TS that SR requires its permission to operate Border services in order to receive sign off from the ORR. This is just a formal process. AP – JM

Published Date 23 Jul 2015 Type Mode of transport