Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 20 June 2019


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Mark Henderson (MH) Transport Scotland
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail    
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail 


  • Oi Hang Chu (OH) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland
  • Kieran McLachlan (KM) Transport Scotland

1) Review of previous meeting minutes/actions

Minutes from previous meeting approved.

2) Franchise Variations and Changes

Up to date.

3) Franchise Performance

AA noted that all Performance Remedial Plan activities are on track and monitored through dedicated forums.

PPM Benchmarks

ScotRail PPM for P2 was 90.4% and the PPM MAA declined to 87.08%. SR expect PPM MAA to start to rise from P3. SR remain in Breach at an overall franchise level for PPM. This is in addition to already being in Breach for Suburban East and Express Other Sectors. All of the areas SR are in Breach are covered in the Remedial Agreement with Transport Scotland.

Period performance was significantly impacted by traincrew cancellations for the first 3 weeks as SR prioritised finishing driver training. This led to an increase in short term cancellations but in the last week of the period cancellations have declined.

SR advised that this is in line wth the forecasts under the Remedial Plan and will be closely monitored.


The percentage of seats not provided in period 2 was 0.17% and the MAA remains better than target. Express Sector Other remains worse than target but as per the Remedial Plan SR expect this to improve when they have more HSTs in daily service. It was a strong period again for Suburban East capacity.

Cancellation Benchmarks

The period cancellation figure was 1.44% and the MAA improved marginally to 2.08% so SR remain in PIP. Express Other and Suburban East remain in default. The biggest cause of cancellations was traincrew and SR are confident that due to their Remedial Plan commitments we will soon see improvements in this area.

Performance Remedial Plan

AA is happy to note the progress that is being made on the remedial plan with all milestones either complete or on track.

4) Service planning

May 19 timetable

AA noted that the May timetable is – on the whole -  working well and work is underway to confirm improvements for December 2019.

AA commented that is useful to see the extend of engagement with stakeholders, including WHL review group and upcoming Friends of the Far North Line AGM.

5) Revenue Collection

Revenue performance figures by channel noted.

TS noted the work to support “Safer Shores” initiative and BBYB campaign.

6) Rolling Stock

SP noted the only high levels concerns regarding MTIN performance against contract targets are for the new fleet – 385s and HSTs – driven by late fleet introduction.

7) Financial report

AA noted that SR pay out a significant level of ‘gestures of good will’ which is positive and good ethos evident.

Complaints for P2 remain high compared to historic levels but should improve in line with PPM in coming periods.

AA praised SR for no uncovered train turns during P2 which is a continuing positive trend.

8) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

MH noted that there was a decline in performance for P2, with a spike in ticket office related fines, possibly holiday related, but overall trends remain positive.

9) Franchise Obligations Overview

Provision of report welcomed by TS and is used for monitoring / audit purposes.

10) Marketing and Sales

AA noted the continued popularity of the SR App.

Stranraer / Dumfries journey data continues to be monitored for trends regarding Ayr station. Appears to be steady signs of recovery now normal service has resumed but the route has significant bus competition.

11) HR

Report noted.

12) Correspondence

Report noted.

13) AOB


Date of next meeting: 19th July 2019

Published Date 13 Sep 2019 Type Mode of transport