Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 19 July 2018


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland
  • Calum Campbell (CC) Transport Scotland
  • Graham Dodds (GD) Transport Scotland
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail
  • Lynne Kerr (LK) ScotRail


  • Donald Smith (DS) Transport Scotland
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail

1) Minutes of Previous Meeting

Both parties confirmed they are content with the previous minute.

2) Actions Arising from Previous Meeting

90/16/FM, Rolling stock

AT requested that, due to the delay in arrival, a Year 3 target for the combined fleet now be considered. AM confirmed that this seemed a reasonable solution, suggesting that SR come back to TS with a formal proposal. Both parties agreed. – Action Closed.

06/17/FM, Schedule 13.2 'B' data

AM asked if it would be worthwhile having someone from TS shadow the process for collecting this data in an effort to encourage a more joined appreciation and awareness of source information being provided – AA informed that he is keen that this is actioned and will raise internally when meeting tomorrow (20 July 2018) – Action On-going.


DS asked if SR could formally inform TS of relevant staff changes within the business. SR will look into this. – ND wrote to TS – Action Closed.

82/17/FM, Revenue Collection

PC told that he will be rewriting the marketing campaign for Buy Before You Board and will send this to TS following approval. – PC has agreed to attend one in every three of these meetings however, work streams are currently rendering him unavailable – Action On-going.


SP highlighted that SR need to report back to TS on KPI’s, such as Off-Peak Patronage, and suggested that these be monitored through the Franchise Performance report going forward. – SP will speak with Claire Dickie – Action On-going.

02/18/FM, Planning, Regarding the 19:26 Queen Street to Anniesland

AM queried as to whether this cancellation has already taken effect and what comms handling was in place. If this is already in effect AM asked if SR could advise if there has been any adverse reaction. SR will update. – No adverse reaction has been received by SR or TS – Action Closed.


It was noted that ‘Unknown Cause’ is the second largest reason for Delay Repay claims. SR will clarify. ND has been working with SR Shared Services – Action On-going.

06/18/FM, Business Development, CO 5.1, Service Development Statement on future SLC demands (15 months from PCD)

AM raised that this is an area of compliance that needs to be formalised via existing forums. – SP noted that this may become a facet of RiR – Action On-going.

14/18/FM, Overall the SR fleet was adverse to plan for MTIN performance in Period 2 by 1,372 miles per technical incident

AA queried if SR knew the impact of this on overall performance. SR will feedback. – Discussed as part of agenda – Action Closed.

3) Franchise Variations and Changes

It was noted that these have been amended since the last meeting and are now up-to-date.

4) Franchise Performance and Planning


  • ScotRail PPM in Period 3 was 88.7% which is 3.5% adverse to business target for the period.
  • The PPM MAA now stands at 89.3% which is 2.74% worse than franchise target of 92.04%.
  • AA noted disappointment in regards to how performance is trending, though acknowledged the efforts of SR in improving this highlighting that it is encouraging to see that 20 Donovan recommendations now have owners taking these forward.
  • SR highlighted concerns with the disproportionate delay amounting to infrastructure failures.
  • AA also noted that the decrease in skip stopping has made a significant difference to travelling customers. Fail to stops in the Period was 0.1%, the lowest period on record.
  • The Period Cancellation figure came in at 1.45% and the MAA is now 1.52%.
  • SR will write to TS regarding the potential correlation between fail to stop and cancellations. AP – SR
  • The percentage of seats not provided in Period 3 was 0.19% which is SR’s best in the past year. Express Edinburgh to Glasgow and Express Other sectors remain a concern however, as above, SR expects this to improve in coming Periods with the introduction of new fleet.


  • The 2018 subsidiary timetable started on Sunday 20th May 2018 and was essentially a rollover of the principal timetable period in almost full entirety with a few small exceptions. It was confirmed that no adverse reaction has been communicated to either SR or TS on this timetable change.
  • In regards to the Open Golf at Carnoustie, SR assured that TS will be made aware of any feedback.
  • Following from the minute of the previous meeting 28 June 2018, SR have agreed to provide TS with their strengthening plan for the Edinburgh International Festival.
  • It was discussed that fleet is currently a moving picture and the next report will be able to provide a further update. AA noted that TS welcome the planned transfer of the c380’s back to Inverclyde following the introduction of the HST and c385 trains.
  • AA highlighted his encouragement by the breadth of engagement SR carried out with organisations across the country.

5) Revenue Collection

  • There were a number of special events in the Period including Ed Sheeran and Beyoncé concerts at Hampden Stadium and the Rolling Stones at Murrayfield. Together, these events contributed to a 13.6% increase in revenue collected by RP staff. It was discussed that this displayed the benefit events within the country have on SR revenue.
  • AA noted the clear messaging SR have been rolling out promoting ‘Buy Before You Board’.
  • SR agreed to share their Ticketless Travel survey with TS. AP – SR

6) Rolling Stock

  • Overall, the ScotRail fleet was better than plan for MTIN by 3,107 miles per technical incident.
  • SP gave clarity on how SR are reporting on MTIN. SR are reporting on a straight line to get to the end of the Year 5 position. The report is slightly different to the franchise report as in the franchise report fleets are broken down so me be ‘red’ individually but ‘green’ overall. SR are comfortable that the trajectory is positive and on-track to meet Year 5 targets.

7) Financial Obligations and Undertakings

  • As of Period 4, SR will be adding a new payment type for consequential loss to help keep greater track of this in the Delay Repay report.
  • 98.22% of passenger services in the timetable were covered during Period 3. SR noted difficulties collating this information due to annual leave and assured that the format within the report will be rectified for the next period. AP – SR

8) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

  • Both parties noted they are pleased that the SQUIRE number is moving in a positive direction.

9) Franchise Obligations Overview

  • SP reported that positive strategies are being introduced by Riz Wahid with the aim to realign with roadmap. SP highlighted he is keen to organise a meeting to address these CO’s.

10) Communications

Marketing & Sales

  • AA noted SR’s positive collaboration, working with CalMac to promote Rail and Sail tickets over July/August.

11) Compliance Challenges

  • TS thanked SR for the information sent in response to the previous challenges. TS will present an updated document at the next meeting.

12) AOB

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Published Date 8 Aug 2018 Type Mode of transport