Transport planning objectives

In developing Transport Planning Objectives (TPOs) for these speed management proposals, we have considered the context within NTS2 and the related recommendations in Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 (STPR2).

Policy Context

NTS2 sets out a vision to “have a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport system, helping deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland for communities, businesses and visitors.” STPR2 informs transport investment in the country to 2042, aligned to NTS2 and includes 45 recommendations across all modes of transport, for specific geographies as well as strategic initiatives. The National Performance Framework (NPF) focuses on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all in Scotland through increased wellbeing, sustainability and economic growth were also considered.

NTS2 sets out a hierarchy of a Vision for Scotland, the vision includes 4 priorities and 12 outcomes:

  1. Reduce inequalities
    • Will provide fair access to services we need;
    • Will be easy to use for all; and
    • Will be affordable for all.
  2. Takes climate action
    • Will help delivery our net-zero target;
    • Will adapt to the effects of climate change; and
    • Will promote greener, cleaner choices.
  3. Helps deliver inclusive economic growth
    • Will get people and goods where they need to get to;
    • Will be reliable, efficient and high quality; and
    • Will use beneficial innovation.
  4. Improves our health and wellbeing
    • Will be safe and secure for all;
    • Will enable us to make healthy travel choices; and
    • Will help make our communities great places to live.

Aligning with the vision and priorities of NTS2, STPR2 has established the following 5 key objectives:

  • Takes climate action;
  • Addresses inequalities and accessibility;
  • Improves health and wellbeing;
  • Supports sustainable economic growth; and
  • Increases safety and resilience.

Recommendation 38 of STPR2 called for a national review of speed limits. As part of recommendation 38, the speed limit for HGVs over 7.5 tonnes was identified for consideration. This being reflected that NTS2 noted that the effective movement of goods is essential for trade and sustainable economic growth, with delays having a significant impact on businesses that rely on timely delivery such as those in the farming and fishing sectors. NTS2 also noted that emissions from HGVs have increased 5.2% since 1990.

During the development of STPR2, the Road Safety Framework to 2030 was published in February 2021. The framework sets out a long-term vision for road safety, Vision Zero, where there are zero fatalities and injuries on Scotland’s roads by 2050, with interim targets for 2030 (as detailed in Section 2.1).

Transport Planning Objectives

Within this policy context, and considering the issues identified within road safety context in Scotland in relation to speed related collisions, the following TPOs have been agreed:

  • To progress towards the Road Safety Framework 2030 targets for Scotland in:
    • Reduce collision rates and severity on single carriageways where speed has been identified as a contributory factor;
    • Reduce collision rates and severity on dual carriageways where speed has been identified as a contributory factor; and
    • Reduce speed differentials between HGVs and other traffic.