Appendix A – Recorded Collision Data

The collision analysis undertaken was based upon data presented within Reported Road Casualties Scotland between 2010 and 2022. The recorded collisions with a speed related factor for the years 2010 to 2022 are shown below in a tabulated format.

Table A-1 – Speed Related Factors: Reported Collisions by Severity
Year Speed Related Contributory Factor Reported in Collision* Number (Fatal) Percent (Fatal) Total reported Collisions (Fatal) Number (Serious) Percent (Serious) Total Reported Collisions (Serious) Number (Slight) Percent (Slight) Total Reported Collisions (Slight) Number (All Collisions) Percent (All Collisions) Total Reported Collisions
2022 Exceeding speed limit 22 16 141 67 5 1338 66 3 1916 155 5 3395
2022 Travelling too fast for the conditions 14 10 141 92 7 1338 81 4 1916 187 6 3395
2021 Exceeding speed limit 14 12 117 68 6 1198 46 3 1669 128 4 2984
2021 Travelling too fast for the conditions 11 9 117 72 6 1198 85 5 1669 168 6 2984
2020 Exceeding speed limit 12 12 99 43 5 870 45 3 1355 100 4 2324
2020 Travelling too fast for the conditions 13 13 99 65 7 870 74 5 1355 152 7 2324
2019 Exceeding speed limit 16 13 127 56 5 1225 85 3 2634 157 4 3986
2019 Travelling too fast for the conditions 13 10 127 67 5 1225 168 6 2634 248 6 3986
2018 Exceeding speed limit 16 11 148 63 5 1276 147 4 4074 226 4 5498
2018 Travelling too fast for the conditions 8 5 148 82 6 1276 267 7 4074 357 6 5498
2017 Exceeding speed limit 17 12 138 63 5 1279 118 3 4661 198 3 6078
2017 Travelling too fast for the conditions 11 8 138 94 7 1279 311 7 4661 416 7 6078
2016 Exceeding speed limit 18 12 155 109 8 1311 385 7 5672 512 7 7138
2016 Travelling too fast for the conditions 23 15 155 73 6 1311 197 3 5672 293 4 7138
2015 Exceeding speed limit 17 11 150 101 8 1307 431 8 5672 549 8 7129
2015 Travelling too fast for the conditions 15 10 150 67 5 1307 171 3 5672 253 4 7129
2014 Exceeding speed limit 17 10 177 121 9 1358 454 8 5800 592 8 7335
2014 Travelling too fast for the conditions 19 11 177 65 5 1358 153 3 5800 237 3 7335
2013 Exceeding speed limit 22 14 156 56 4 1306 154 3 6072 232 3 7534
2013 Travelling too fast for the conditions 23 15 156 127 10 1306 511 8 6072 661 9 7534
2012 Exceeding speed limit 21 13 156 89 6 1568 210 3 6408 320 4 8132
2012 Travelling too fast for the conditions 18 12 156 174 11 1568 629 10 6408 821 10 8132
2011 Exceeding speed limit 22 13 176 75 4 1847 232 3 8127 329 3 9974
2011 Travelling too fast for the conditions 34 19 176 166 9 1847 705 9 8127 905 9 9974
2010 Exceeding speed limit 24 13 189 68 4 1708 233 3 8396 325 3 10293
2010 Travelling too fast for the conditions 35 19 189 187 11 1708 845 10 8396 1067 10 10293

* Some collisions have “Exceeding the speed limit” and “Travelling too fast for the conditions” identified as a contributory factor.