Annex A: Work Programme Timetable 2024-28

NSTAB Work Programme visual


  • Review smart ticketing implications from SG and TS strategies (e.g Fair Fares) (Statutory Function 1)
  • Benchmark as-is situation for smart ticketing (Statutory Function 1)
  • Benchmark and as-is situation for technological standards and understand best practice (Statutory Function 2)
  • Review technological standards to deliver SG and TS strategies (Statutory Function 2)
  • Opportunities and challenges related to smart ticketing standards and implications for Account Based Ticketing (Statutory Function 2)
  • Identify quick wins to enhance smart ticketing (Statutory Function 1)
  • Responses to consultations, commissions, studies (Statutory Function 1)


  • Develop strategic outline business case for technological standard(s) (Statutory Function 2)
  • Advice on the introduction of remaining ticketing measures from the Transport (Scotland) 2019 Act and guidance (Statutory Function 3)
  • Opportunities to enhance regional multi-operator ticketing (Statutory Function 1)
  • Advice on low, medium, high level interventions (Statutory Function 1)


  • Advice on the legislative barriers for enhancing smart ticketing and Account Based Ticketing (Statutory Function 3)
  • Advice on the general legislative, governance and partnership barriers to smart ticketing (Statutory Function 1)
  • Advice on the full business case for technological standard(s) (Statutory Function 2)
  • Support development of business case for a new national integrated ticketing system (Statutory Function 1)

The 2027/28 Work Programme Timetable for Statutory Functions 1-3 will be provided in the second NSTAB Annual Report.