Current Plans

DM updated on PRIMEs noting that parallel to the trials that are continuing, a tool kit for installation is currently being developed. It is currently being reviewed by key operating companies who are providing feedback on the use of the toolkit. Once this has been completed, Transport Scotland will consider a timeline for this being released.

The Chair advised that officials are arranging 1-2-1 meetings with stakeholders that will be leading on recommendations highlighted in the Road Traffic Fatality Report.

The group noted that grant offer letters had been issued to all local authorities for the 2024/25 Road Safety Improvement Fund. It was further noted that work is progressing on an evaluation report for the 2023/24 fund and that this would include case studies and lessons learned. Any projects that have a focus motorcycles will be shared with the group.

The group noted that the Road Safety Framework and Evaluation Fund had closed and grant offer letters had been issued to successful applicants.

SW highlighted that the annual road safety review data had been sent to operating companies and the reports should be received over the coming weeks, which will set the focus for the capital investment programme on the Trunk Road Network from 1st April 2025. A risk mapping process had been embedded within this to better reflect the detail of what the data is informing in terms of the different user groups.

The group noted that the annual site selection process for safety cameras was ongoing and that this involved the use of a combination of injury collision and speeding data from sites across the entire road network to identify where safety cameras may be appropriate. MVds noted that all locations where there had been a fatality are considered as part of this process and that this would is always reviewed in conjunction with Police Scotland and all road authorities.

RG highlighted that IAM is releasing a skills refresher course aimed at younger motorcyclists returning to biking and the motorcycle safety campaign will launch on 7th August which encourages motorcycle safety.

EM advised that Police Scotland was working on introducing Rider Refinement to the East and West of Scotland, however there is no specific start date as of yet. The Motorcycle Safety campaign is ongoing and runs from April – September every year.

RM updated on the Take Another Look campaign noting that Honda is now supporting the campaign. Honda is also supporting a change to how the media report on motorcyclists and fatalities and a disucssiong followed on how motorcycle fatalities are reported and communicated in the media to avoid inadvertently apportioning blame. The National Motorcycle Council, IAM, MAG and Biker Down Scotland are also supporting the campaign.

Motorcycle Law Scotland has arranged a motorcycle event for advanced riders to discuss safety and the challenges on the roads, at St Mary’s Loch on Sunday 4 August.

CB advised that MAG is pushing for the reform of the motorcycle licence regime and would welcome Transport Scotland’s support with this, noting that only 1 in 5 motorcyclists transition from CBT to full licence. There is currently a consultation on default access to bus lanes being completed which will apply in England, and CB asked if Transport Scotland will consider this. GH confirmed that officials will keep up to date with the Dft consultation.

SC advised that the format of the accident data Police Scotland provide to local authorities changed in January 2024 which has led to issues importing data in some areas, resulting in limited access. It is hoped that this will be resolved by September.

Road Safety Scotland is continuing with motorcycle activity, promoting the Live Fast, Die Old campaign and having a presence at Thunder in the Glens. The campaign has now been running for 6 years and there is plans to evaluate this to ensure it is still effective. 

Action Point 28: Share any motorcycle projects from the 2023/24 Road Safety Improvement Fund.

Owner: Ben McKenna

Action Point 29: Consider how motorcycle collisions are reported and communicated in the media to avoid inadvertently apportioning blame.

Owner: Steven Feeney

Action Point 30: Stay informed of DfT consultation to allow motorcycles to access bus lanes by default.

Owner: Fred O’Hara