Road Safety Framework - Governance

Both the Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) and Operational Partnership Group (OPG) met recently with the following points highlighted:

  • The Cabinet Secretary for Transport chaired the SPB on 5 June.
  • The increase in casualties is concerning, and during the meeting the Cabinet Secretary emphasised that it’s now more important than ever to ensure that all road safety partners have a joined-up partnership buy in to the framework.
  • The Cabinet Secretary will have 1 to 1 meetings with all SPB members and liaise with government counterparts on road safety: Cabinet Secretary for Justice & Home Affairs, Cabinet Secretary for Finance & Local Government and Cabinet Secretary for Health & Social Care, along with Cllr Gail McGregor at CoSLA.
  • The Cabinet Secretary will also write to UK Government on matter stemming from Road Safety Summit: Graduate Driving License/ General Safety Regulation.
  • The OPG and SPB will now meet 4 times per year, due to increase in casualties.