Cycling Scotland - Highway Code Research

SB delivered a presentation on the Highway Code research project which was funded through the Road Safety Evaluation Fund in 2023/24 and aimed to gauge public understanding of the Highway Code and recent changes designed to protect Vulnerable Road Users. The project was delivered in two parts; the first being a population survey questionnaire, and with the second analysing road user behaviour from video footage capturing interactions between people driving and people walking or cycling at junctions, taking into account the recent changes to the Highway Code. Key learning has been incorporated into Cycling Scotland’s training products.

Data from the public survey showed that whilst 3 in 4 drivers say they know the Highway Code well, only half are aware of changes introduced in 2022 and could correctly prioritise road users in the Hierarchy. The video survey data showed that people cycling were often given priority by people driving but, in contrast, in less than half of interactions were people driving observed to give priority to people walking either waiting to cross or already crossing side roads. Overall, the results show the importance of more effective communications to raise awareness of the Highway Code and promote safer road user behaviours. View the full report.

Action Point 15: Chair to circulate Cycling Scotland presentation to members.

Action Point 16: SF to explore the possibility of adding question to future RITS survey around awareness of Highway Code.