Casualty Statistics for West of Scotland

An update was shared towards the 2030 casualty reduction targets and intermediate outcome targets, including the localised statistics within LPF West. The following points from the Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2023 publication were highlighted:


  • Fatalities went down from 171 to 155 (9%)
  • Serious injuries went up by 9%
  • Slight injuries went up by 1%

Stats specific to LPF West:

  • Fatalities went down from 70 to 64 (9%) (18 females and 46 males)
  • Serious injuries went up by 13%
  • Slight injuries went up by 6%
  • Total casualties went up from 2,435 to 2,624 (8%)
  • Those aged 70 and over accounted for 38 of the fatalities.

SF asked if members were surprised with any of the data presented. The group confirmed that although nothing came as a surprise, it is good to see how other authorities are preforming and explore how a collaborative approach may assist where areas are facing similar challenges. The group also highlighted the benefits to see both trunk and local road breakdowns within the stats.

SB noted difficulties organisations can face when looking for dedicated contacts within authorities to establish education or training programmes as many of the local road safety officer positions are no longer roles or they deal with many other avenues of work.

This is something that Road Safety Scotland is aware of, with CH confirming that significant investments is being made in their education and training materials. However, the difficulty comes when this is looked to be delivered locally. Continuing, CH noted that discussions are on-going regarding the possibility of funding being available to employ regional safety officers, who will work within LPF boundaries, and assist local areas in the delivery of road safety education and training.

Action Point 9: Stats to provide breakdown between trunk and local road and also include 5 year average in collisions.

Action Point 10: Stats to provide 3-5 average for each stat, as well as individual years.