Meeting minutes - Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum - North - 14 November 2024



  • Ben McKenna (Chair) – Transport Scotland (TS) – Road Safety Policy
  • Daryl McKeown (DM) - Perth and Kinross Council
  • David McArthur (DMca) - Perth and Kinross Council
  • Elaine Penny (EP) - Moray Council
  • Lisa MacKellaich (LM) - Highland Council
  • Simon Bradshaw (SB) - Cycling Scotland
  • Vycki Ritson (VR) - Aberdeen City Council
  • Eric Dunion (ED) - Police Scotland - North Safety Camera Unit
  • Nick Yeats (NY) - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS)
  • Caroline Hood (CH) – NESTRANS
  • Miles Stubbs (MB) - SFRS
  • Andrew Wilkinson (AW) - Aberdeenshire Council
  • Diane Anderson (DA) - Moray Council
  • Neil Hutcheson – Shetland Islands Council
  • Caroline Hay (CHa) - TS Road Safety Scotland
  • Alasdair Sim (AS) - TS Area Manager

In Attendance

  • John Macleod (JM) - Western Isles Council
  • Katrina Caldwell (KC) - TS Statistics
  • Gordon Dickson (GD) – Police Scotland
  • Barbara Rae (BR) – Ayrshire Roads Alliance
  • Fiona Cameron (FC) –North Ayrshire Council
  • Karen McDonnell (KM) - ScORSA
  • Kieren Green (KG) - TS Road Safety Policy
  • Michelle Little (ML) - TS Road Safety Policy


  • Richard Bailie - Aberdeenshire Council
  • Fiona Reid - Dundee City Council
  • Mathew Wylie - Orkney Council
  • Darren Chambers - Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS)
  • Yvonne Scott - Orkney Council
  • Kenny Roy - Orkney Council
  • Campbell Sands - SFRS
  • Colin Maciver - Western Isles Council
  • Stuart Wilson - TS Safety and Development & Chair of A9 Safety Group
  • Calum Mackenzie - Western Isles Council
  • Brian Cargill - Perth and Kinross Council
  • Roddy Ross - Perth and Kinross Council
  • Robin Pope - Highland Council
  • Aberdeenshire Council


  • Hannah Wood (HW) – TS – Road Safety Policy

Welcome and Introductions

The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and proceeded with round the table introductions.

Previous Minutes and Actions

The previous minutes were circulated and no comments were received, these have since been published on the TS website.

There was one outstanding action which will be picked up at the start of next year ahead of the 2025 tourist season:

The Chair will set up a meeting between Road Safety Scotland, Police Scotland, SAS and SFRS to discuss the work of tourists and how we can have a collaborative approach to delivery going forward.

Feedback from Governance Groups

Activity reports were provided in the papers for all other governance groups. The following key points were highlighted:

  • The Cabinet Secretary for Transport continues to have a strong focus on road safety and chair the Strategic Partnership Board.
  • A Communications Handling Plan has been developed. The aim is to showcase what is being delivered as part of the record £36m investment into road safety and efforts to enhance road safety in Scotland. The Plan is also there for stakeholders to promote any activity, highlighting the importance of a joined up partnership approach.
  • His Majesty’s Inspectorate for Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) report on their thematic inspection into roads policing has been published.

Action Point: Members to advise of any activity within their organisations that they would like to include in the Communications Handling Plan.

Owner: All

Knowledge and Data Analysis

Update on 2030 targets and localised stats

The national casualty reduction targets as well as the mode and user specific targets for 2030 were presented, broken down into local authority areas. Finalised figures from the Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2023 publication were shared.

On a national scale:

  • Fatalities decreased from 171 to 155 (9%)
  • Serious injuries increased by 9%
  • Slight injuries increased by 1%
  • Total casualties increased from 5,643 to 5,829 (3%).

Stats specific to LPF North:

  • Fatalities decreased from 59 to 46 (22%)
  • Serious injuries increased by 19%
  • Slight injuries increased by 6%
  • Total casualties increased from 1,256 to 1,373 (9%)
  • 11 (24%) of fatalities in the North were over the age of 70.

National casualty reduction target for the North:

  • Not on track for each of the 4 targets.

Members asked to include traffic estimates when comparing collisions on the Trunk Road Network and Local Roads, to highlight the level of risk on the network.

Further to this, it was asked if the gender breakdown for motorcyclists could be provided and detail whether they were riders or pillion passengers.

Action Point: Circulate presentation on stats. 

Owner: Chair

Action Point: TS Stats to include traffic estimates when comparing collisions on the Trunk Road Network and Local Roads, to highlight the level of risk of the network.

Owner: Katrina Caldwell

Action Point: Gender breakdown for motorcyclist casualties to detail if it was a rider or pillion involved in a collision.

Owner: Katrina Caldwell

Key Themes: Motorcycles and 70 plus age group

The Chair presented an in depth analysis into motorcycle collisions and contributory factors from the last four years, which was created by TS Analytical colleagues. The Chair provided a brief overview of the analysis which was circulated to members.

GD highlighted that Rider Refinement North is continuing to be rolled out and has been delivered in the East and West, however it was noted that it is possibly not reaching some of their target audience of a younger demographic, work will continue next year and will aim to address this.

DM advised that P&KC is utilising the Road Safety Improvement Fund (RSIF) to upgrade vehicle restraint barriers to Flexbeams barriers along the A93. This focuses on reducing the severity of motorcycle collisions should they occur as bike rail barriers will be added to the bottom of each vehicle restraint system. This prevents riders from striking the support columns.

AW requested an update on Toolkit for the PRIMEs project. The Chair advised that the Toolkit is being finalised, and will be promoted through each LPF once published. A presentation on PRIMES will be delivered at the next meeting.

LM updated that Highland is utilising the RSIF to focus on specific routes to improve bend warnings which will benefit motorcyclists.

SB queried how we are differentiating between motorbikes and e-motorbikes and how these effect the stats.

KC advised that collisions involving e-motorcycles are not detailed in the motorcycle category of stats.

The group will continue to be kept apprised of discussion on this at the Motorcycle Focus Group. CH will liaise with SB to provide an update on this from recent meetings.

NY updated that work is progressing to roll out the Biker Down initiative in P&KC. There is a hope that this could possibly tie in with Rider Refinement in future.

CH asked about the possibility of including damage only data going forward.

GD advised that Police Scotland no longer record this data and this is unlikely to change.

It was highlighted that not all damage only collisions are reported to Police Scotland and that insurance companies would be best suited to supply this information. KG advised that he has been working with ABI to explore the possibility of utilising insurance data to receive damage only data. Discussions are ongoing and an update will be provided at the next meeting.

Action Point: Include a presentation on PRIMEs Guidance at the next meeting.

Owner: Chair

Action Point: CH to liaise with SB and provide an update from recent discussions on e-motorbikes.

Owner: Caroline Hood 

Action Point: KG to liaise with ABI to explore utilising telematics to create data on damage only collisions.

Owner: Kieren Green / Chair

Road Safety Framework Fund

Framework Fund 2025/26

HW advised that, subject to budgetary approval, TS will run another round of funding for the Road Safety Framework Fund which will go live this year. The aim is to initiate successful projects at the start of the 2025/26 financial year. It was noted that this is a resource only fund with infrastructure projects not being considered.

Action Point: Partners to be informed when the Road Safety Framework Fund 2025/26 is live.

Owner: Hannah Wood


BR and FC delivered a presentation on Trailblazers, a project previously funded through the Road Safety Framework Fund.

The following was highlighted:

  • Trailblazers was developed by East Ayrshire Council to address ongoing school parking issues whilst increasing knowledge on road safety.
  • There were 9 schools across the three Ayrshire Councils involved in the initiative.
  • Road Safety learning was an integral part of the project and this was implemented by asking children a road safety question each day.
  • The idea of the project was to highlight 5 and 10 minute distances from the school using QR codes for children to scan, which also encouraged active travel to school.

Members noted that similar initiatives are being rolled out in other authority areas, such as Angus/Dundee have school friendly zones where traffic near schools is banned. DM advised that P&KC is looking to replicate something similar and asked the chair to arrange meeting with BR and FC.

The Chair advised that KG is leading on School Street Closures to allow these to be enforced by LAs. This was welcomed by members and it was queried if ANPR cameras can be used when this policy is implemented. KG will provide an update on the progression of this at the next meeting.

Action Point: Chair to arrange meeting with DM, FC and BR to discuss the Trailblazers project, which will assist the progression of a similar initiative in Perth & Kinross.

Owner: Chair / DMca

Action Point: KG to provide and update on School Street Closures at the next meeting and detail if ANPR cameras can be used to assist with enforcement.

Owner: KG

Partner Updates

The Chair noted that written partner updates were circulated in advance on the meeting with the following points highlighted:

Police Scotland

  • Work is ongoing in relation to education and enforcement in the North in order to work towards reducing road casualties.
  • HMICS report has been published and shared with the group highlighting the recommendations.

Highland Council

  • Road Safety Plan has now been published on their website.
  • The role out of 20 mph speed limits is progressing.
  • RSIF projects are underway.

Perth and Kinross Council

  • The role out of 20 mph speed limits is progressing and installation is planned for the start of next year.
  • A publicity launch for Pavement Parking is underway ahead of this starting to be enforced in January.
  • RSIF projects are underway.
  • A community led road safety initiative is being carried out in partnership with Police Scotland and community teams to understand local issues. This tends to be around speeding and enforcement and have therefore included engagement with the Safety Camera Unit.
  • Work is also progressing on implementing a road safety initiative, similar to Trailblazers, within primary schools.

Shetland Islands Council

  • Junior Road Safety Officers have assisted with Be Safe Be Seen presentations in schools as well as issuing 2,000 reflectors to primary school pupils.
  • A winter tyre clinic was held recently in partnership with Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
  • Road markings have been improved as well as installing reflective road markings ahead of winter on A and B Class roads.
  • The role out of 20 mph speed limits is progressing well.
  • Implemented speed reduction on A road, from 60 mph to 50 mph.
  • A review of the winter maintenance service has been completed and will now be offering a service on Christmas and New Year public holidays for the first time.


  • Webinars are now being delivered with the next taking place on 19 November which will focus on winter driving.
  • The previous webinars focused on ‘Driving Tired and Fatigue’ and ‘Driving for Work Strategy’.
  • Attending Edinburgh College to provide a ScORSA event and have delivered to NHS Fife.
  • There will be a full day ScoRSA event on 20th March 2025, hosted in CoSLA building in Edinburgh.
  • ScORSA will be presenting at an event this month on Fatigue Driving Risk to 400 delegates from different organisations throughout Scotland.
  • Secured a session at Intersec in Dubai in January to highlight the work that has been done in Scotland.

SB highlighted that a presentation was delivered by Transport for London at a recent event on Driver Tiredness and Fatigue, and will share with members.

Western Isles Council

  • Traffic calming, a crossing, footpath and parking has been installed on a specific road that has been highlighted due to the volume of traffic.
  • Plans are in place for high friction surfacing next year.
  • Work is ongoing ahead of the role out of 20 mph speed limits.
  • Traffic cameras have been installed to gauge speeds and traffic flow in certain areas.
  • Weather cameras have been installed at different parts of the Island to inform road users of the weather conditions.

Police Scotland – North Safety Camera Unit

  • Trialling new style cameras including solar powered throughout the North which will be placed in more rural areas.
  • Ongoing review of existing enforcement locations with a view to changing technology to consider fixed camera technology.
  • Work is progressing on a trial of Distracted Driver technology to encourage improved driver behaviours which can detect drivers using a mobile phone or not wearing a seat belt while behind the wheel.

Scottish Fire and Rescue (SFRS) Perth and Kinross

  • Held a joint engagement day in partnership with PS, SAS and SCAA at House of Bruar (A9). 3 extrication demos were carried out by SFRS crews alongside SAS. All agencies also had stalls set up for public engagement.
  • Continuing to support life skills courses at HMP Castle Huntly. SFRS input includes road safety utilising VR resources.
  • Continue liaison with respective regional groups, have engaged with 32 high schools regarding new driver input, and work is ongoing in partnership with University Highlands and Island for a planned Student demo.
  • Highland Road Casualty Reduction Group liaison continues with potential discussion around RTC investigation trend analysis.
  • Biker Down continues as SFRS is looking to expand this to P&KC, and continues partnership with Rider Refinement.
  • Inverness Station held an Open Day RTC Demo and Road Safety chat to approx. 900 people.
  • Continue to give road safety input on future Fire Skills courses which is aimed at 16/17 year olds thinking about leaving school.

Cycling Scotland

  • Bikeability was successful in the North last year and is ongoing.
  • Funding for Practical Cycle Awareness training has been confirmed for this year. QTS recently took the opportunity to have their staff that drive HGVs undergo PCAT training as part of their Driver CPC qualification. More recently, 21 drivers at Aberdeen City Council received the training in August 2024, delivered by Bike for Good using this funding.
  • Annual Report has been published and this details an increase of cycle rates on cycle routes.

Moray Council

  • The role out of 20 mph speed limits is progressing and installation is planned for the start of next year.
  • Lining and cats eyes done on A98.
  • Visibility improvement for pedestrians and cyclists at Grantown Road, Forres
  • Road Safety Plan to 2030 approved in June 2024

Aberdeenshire Council

  • Trial of Vivacity near miss software at rural T junction
  • School walk route and school frontage safety reviews
  • Road Safety Reviews and Road Safety Audits
  • Installation of fixed speed camera
  • Network cluster and bend/skid cluster analysis
  • Pedestrian crossing assessments
  • Initiated delivery of Practical Cycle Awareness training for Fleet and Roads teams
  • Working with Communities with their Community Action Plans
  • Safe walking route education following removal of SCP Service
  • Noting the skid cluster analysis work, AW asked if the Chair could ask local authorities in LPF East and West if they had a skid resistance policy in place that could be shared.

Road Safety Scotland (RSS)

  • In conjunction with Good Egg Safety, Road Safety Scotland is offering 100 fully funded places to people within the road safety field to attend a two day advanced child car seat training courses. These courses will be held in December, January, February and two in March with 20 places available at each.
  • Work is continuing on the development/renewal/promotion of the new secondary school resource, including new resources for children with complex additional support needs and JRSO.
  • CHa asked members to confirm appropriate contacts from local authority area to assist with implementing these resources into schools once they are available.
  • An educational expert is creating content for lessons plans for secondary school resource project with a temporary working group being established to review this material and invited members to join this.
  • RSS annual seminar will take place on 26 March 2025 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

Action Point: Presentation from Transport for London on Driver Tiredness and Fatigue to be shared with members.

Owner: Simon Bradshaw

Action Point: Chair to ask if any roads authorities have a skid resistance policy that could be shared with AW.

Owner: Chair

Action Point: Members to note their interest with CHa if they would like to attend one of the available places for advanced child car seat training.

Owner: All

Action Point: Local authorities to inform CHa of the best contact within their local authority, for implementing new resources into schools. 

Owner: All local authorities

Action Point: Members to contact CHa if they would like to be part of the working group to review secondary school resource project material.

Owner: All

Any Other Business and Next Meeting

The Chair thanked members for attending and confirmed that the next meeting will be held in June 2025 and a calendar invite will be circulated to members.

The Chair reiterated that he would like these meetings to be as beneficial as possible to all members. If there is anything that members would like to be brought to or discussed at these meetings going forward, to get in touch.

Action Point: The Chair to put next meeting in diaries for June 2025

Owner: Chair

Action Point: Members to contact Chair if there is anything that they would like brough to or discussed at the next meeting

Owner: All

Published Date 12 Feb 2025 Type Mode of transport Topic