The Last Word

We hope you have enjoyed reading some of the work MACS has undertaken this year and would invite you to visit the MACS website, which is continually updated as our work progresses. This includes briefings, reports, responses to consultations, position papers, and good practice guides we have developed.

I will end where I began and thank everyone for engaging with and supporting us this year, which helps to deliver on our strategic remit. This year has been another year of change with David Hunter, Hilary Stubbs, and Graham Dunn standing down. I would like to thank them for their service and for the unwavering support and guidance that they have provided me since I took up the role as Convener. I am profoundly grateful.

My second term ends in December 2024 and I pledge my commitment to completing my last mile with the same passion and dedication as my first mile and hope the “in between” was not too bad a journey for my team and those around us.

I will leave the report on a high and introduce the four new members who joined us this year, and please keep up to date with our work on X: @WeAreMACS

New MACS Members

Lynn Pilkington

Lynn is a consultant trainer and blogger combining expertise of equalities and engagement, to create content to support employers, facilitators, educators, and HR professionals to build impactful and inclusive workplaces and learning experiences.

Lynn is also a childcare support worker/play practitioner. Lynn was previously the Social Movement Support Officer for See Me and Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer for City of Glasgow College.

Anne MacLeod

Anne is a native Gaelic speaker from the Isle of Lewis, graduated from Sabhal Mòr with an Honours degree in Gaelic and Communication. As the Manager of Comunn Eachdraidh Nis, an award-winning heritage centre in the north of Lewis she led on a recently launched project to provide an accessible transport solution for those unable to use public transport. Anne has a passion for community development and a personal understanding of the challenges facing disabled people travelling to and from islands; she travels regularly with a family member with complex disabilities.

Nariese Whyte

Nariese is a Casework Officer in the Scottish Parliament where they engage with constituents on a local level. Nariese was an elected Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament from 2017-19, and an MYP for Central Scotland from 2018-19. Nariese is a wheelchair user and a disability rights activist being a co-founder of the Disabled Students Association of Stirling.

Zara Todd

Zara is a freelance trainer, facilitator and researcher who has been supporting organisations to be more inclusive and accessible to disabled people for nearly 20 years. She previously advised the UK Government and Transport for London on disability and accessibility. Zara is a wheelchair user, neurodivergent and an active transport user. Zara is also a trustee of Volunteering Matters, Disability Equality Scotland, and a board member of Disabled People’s International.

The biographies for our full team can be found on the MACS website.