Evaluation of Road Safety Scotland’s Early Years Resource June 2016

ISBN: 978 1 909948 76 1

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Executive Summary

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.3 Research Methodology
1.4 Research Caveats and Report Presentation

2 Development and Design of the Resource
2.1 Road Safety Education in Scotland
2.2 Exploring the Full Range of Resources
2.3 The Resources in Context
2.4 Why Develop an Early Years Road Safety Resource?

3 Distribution and Ordering
3.1 Understanding the National Distribution Process
3.2 Uptake of the Resources Over Time
3.3 Uptake of the Resources by Area
3.4 Links Between Uptake and Deprivation
3.5 Uptake of the Resources by Urban/Rural Classification
3.6 Perceptions and Possibilities for the Ordering Process
3.7 Understanding Local Distribution Processes
3.8 Other Feedback on Distribution and Ordering
3.9 Distribution and Ordering Going Forward

4 Exploring How the Resources are Used
4.1 Use of the ‘Big Book’ Packs
4.2 Use of the Small Books for Home
4.3 Use of the Online Resources
4.4 The Ziggy Soft Toy and Journey Pack
4.5 Individual Projects

5 Overall Perceptions of the Resource
5.1 Ratings for Engagement
5.2 Individual Features of the Books
5.3 Perceived Usefulness as a Teaching Resource
5.4 Retention of Key Messages
5.5 Raising Awareness
5.6 Other Suggestions for Maximising Utility and Engagement

6 Discussion
6.1 Key Findings
6.2 The Findings in Context
6.3 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Resource
6.4 Opportunities and Challenges Moving Forward
6.5 Conclusions

Appendix A: Summary of Stories and Road Safety Messages

Published Date 28 Jun 2016 Type Mode of transport