Dumfries & Galloway Transport Summit – Final Report – December 2016

Following a commitment made in May 2016 by the Deputy First Minister John Swinney to hold a ‘Transport summit’ in the South West within the first 100 days of a new Scottish Government, a summit took place on 22 August in Dumfries.

The summit was held in Easterbrook Hall, Crichton Campus in Dumfries. Along with Deputy First Minister John Swinney and Transport Minister Humza Yousaf, attendees included local politicians and members of Dumfries & Galloway Council, along with transport and port operators, business groups, the Scottish Rural Parliament, the Third Sector and other local stakeholders. This ensured a focussed discussion took place about the role of transport and associated infrastructure to support the economy and communities in Dumfries & Galloway.

At the end of the summit, Humza Yousaf, the Minister for Transport and the Islands confirmed that a report on the proceedings of the summit would be produced within 4 weeks.

The National Transport Strategy Review and Strategic Transport Project Reviews were announced at the summit and as we take forward the NTS Review which will inform the STPR we are committed to a collaborative process and will carry out Scotland wide-engagement.

Transport summit report

The final version of the report, published in December 2016, sets out the discussion that took place during the summit on the 22 August and key points relating to transport that were identified during the summit. It also includes comments received during the public engagement exercise undertaken between the 19 September and 31 October 2016.

Transport summit update on actions

The Transport Summit final report contained 14 action points and included a commitment  to provide an update on progress. A detailed table of the updates is contained within the Transport Summit update document.

Published Date 23 Dec 2016 Type Topic