Cycle Training in Primary Schools Research


[1] The Scottish Cycle Training Scheme has since been rebranded as Bikeability Scotland, managed by Cycling Scotland.






[7] There is a network of Road Safety Units located in local authorities or police forces across Scotland. Road Safety Officers within these units are responsible for local co-ordination and promotion of road safety education, training and publicity.

[8] Active Schools Co-ordinators are linked to primary and secondary schools, and help to engage children in an active lifestyle. Not all schools have dedicated Active Schools Co-ordinators.

[9] Section 39 of the Road Traffic Act 1998 places a duty on local authorities to prepare and carry out a programme of measures designed to promote road safety. It stipulates …"and must take such measures as appear to the authority to be appropriate to prevent such accidents, including dissemination of information and advice relating to the use of roads, the giving of practical training to road users or any class or description of road user."

[10] The Research Advisory Group involved representatives from Transport Scotland

[11] The term ’volunteer’ is used broadly here and incorporates both parents who volunteer to deliver cycle training and teachers or teaching assistants for whom ‘volunteering’ constitutes an element of their paid teaching duties.

[12] I-Cycle was developed by Argyll and Bute Council’s Road Safety Team in partnership with Promethean.

[13] For on-road training, RoSPA guidelines recommend "the maximum ratio of trainees to trainer should be 8:1, with a minimum of two tutors at all times".

[14] For example, from organisations like Sustrans, Local Authorities, Cycling Scotland or lottery funding .