Transport Scotland’s Procurement Objectives

Corporate Procurement Objectives

Transport Scotland aims to deliver its procurement activities while striving for best value and promoting responsible procurement and effective contract management. This will be achieved by the continuous improvement of procurement activity, having regard for the economy, efficiency, effectiveness, openness, sustainability and transparency and legal obligations. Transport Scotland will continue to seek opportunities to promote best practice and to work creatively and collaboratively with Scottish Government Procurement and Property Directorate and other organisations where appropriate.

The corporate procurement objectives support Transport Scotland’s overall delivery commitments, which aligns with the Scottish Government’s Public Procurement Strategy. The objectives also take cognisance of requirements deriving from procurement legislation including the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, the Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016, the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 and associated published Statutory Guidance. Transport Scotland’s corporate procurement objectives are listed below:

Objective 1 - Good for Businesses and Their Employees

Transport Scotland will maximise the impact of sustainable procurement that includes boosting of a green, inclusive and wellbeing economy, promoting and enabling innovation in procurement.


  • Promote early supplier engagement to foster innovative and entrepreneurial responses to Public Sector needs and requirements
  • Collaborate with organisations to deliver positive, green, inclusive social impacts within public contracts and adopt a holistic approach with key suppliers
  • Encourage a sustainable supply base that can support the work of the Public Sector to provide resilient and robust supply chains
  • Develop appropriate relationships and putting forward looking plans in place to support the development of the supply markets, improving security of supply and reducing risk
  • Consider how procurements are conducted and contracts are developed, to reduce barriers and enable participation for SMEs, Third Sector organisations, and Supported Business, in Public Sector Procurement
  • Carry out ongoing proportional contract management to ensure the right outcomes are delivered and the performance of contracts is maximised

Objective 2 - Good for Places and Communities

Transport Scotland will use the procurement programme for strong community engagement and development to deliver social and economic outcomes to drive wellbeing by creating quality employment and skills.


  • Maximise economic and social benefits through procurement and commissioning, applying fair work practices, developing good enterprises, and secure supply chains
  • Maximise opportunities in procurement to develop, enhance and maintain a sustainable built environment
  • Utilise frameworks and contracts to deliver a range of construction activity across the public sector which considers the economic impact and the sustainability of the construction industry and the requirement for inclusive growth and climate change targets. Ensure construction projects reflect and help deliver all pertinent Scottish Government obligations including Fair Work First and Net Zero. Actively consider issues including but not limited to Fair Work First and Net Zero early in procurements and commissioning activity
  • Promote sustainable procurement through routine consideration of whole life costing to ensure value for money in procurement, minimise environmental damage and maximise socio-economic benefits
  • Engage with communities to understand local needs and requirements to help shape procurement policies, initiatives and contracts
  • Make informed decisions through early engagement with suppliers to create innovative solutions to positively respond to the climate crisis
  • Eliminate waste throughout the supply chain where possible
  • Act in a way that will secure net zero emissions through a Just Transition and promote a circular economy

Objective 3 - Good for Society

Transport Scotland will ensure that it is efficient, effective, and forward thinking through continuous improvement to help achieve a fairer and more equal society.


  • Make conscious and considered decisions that achieve best value and aim to establish practices and contracts that support the people and organisations of Scotland
  • Procurement has been critical in responding to previous emergencies and humanitarian situations. Strive to provide innovative, effective, and efficient responses to future emergency situations
  • Ensure high standards of animal welfare and sustainable production and waste reductions through the procurement process to improve community health, wellbeing, and education

Objective 4 - Open and Connected

Transport Scotland will maintain a high standard of procurement process that is open, transparent, and connected at local, national, and international levels.


  • Remain connected to support development of best practice
  • Strive to ensure that Transport Scotland can easily do business with its suppliers
  • Take advantage of opportunities to develop and improve data, management information and systems, while leveraging automation and future technologies
  • Promote consistent use of tools, platforms and systems, processes, guidance, and templates