
Transport Scotland is the national transport agency for Scotland and performs a crucial role in the movement of people, essential goods, and services. Procurement underpins much of the delivery of our priorities, and Transport Scotland continues to leverage our influence as a procuring authority to deliver outcomes that are good for the people of Scotland. Our procurement activities support the four priorities outlined by the First Minister, John Swinney MSP, in his statement to Parliament on 22 May 2024. These priorities aim to provide the most immediate benefits for the people of Scotland and are eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, tackling the climate emergency and improving public services.

Transport Scotland’s Procurement Strategy is reviewed annually in line with requirements of sections 15, 17 and 19 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014. Our Procurement Strategy 2024-2025 is underpinned by the recognition of the wider impact that procurement policy and practice have on achieving the Scottish Government’s Purpose, as it is set out in the National Performance Framework. The commitments made in this Procurement Strategy support our vision for procurement:

“To support the delivery of value for money, sustainable and innovative infrastructure and services in fulfilment of the Scottish Government’s ambition and vision for transport, and Transport Scotland’s corporate commitments through a strategic and systematic approach to procurement.”

The procurement of works, services, and goods to support infrastructure investment enables the delivery of a sustainable, inclusive, safe, and accessible transport system for the benefit of the people of Scotland. Transport Scotland will continue to improve its performance by procuring in a sustainable manner, encouraging innovation to achieve the maximum benefit from the Scottish Government’s investment in transport, while contributing to the delivery of the Scottish Government’s aspirations for a just transition. Independent assessment through the Scottish Government’s Procurement and Commercial Improvement Programme (PCIP) has verified that Transport Scotland has a high level of procurement capability and we look forward to undertaking our next PCIP assessment in June 2024. 

We support transport operators and suppliers through its procurement activity, which in turn helps to develop our supply chain, provide opportunities for Fair Work, and drive the Scottish Government’s net zero agenda in line with the National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

Alison Irvine
Interim Chief Executive
Transport Scotland