Road Casualty Reduction Figures 2023

Road Casualty Reduction Targets to 2030

The RSF2030 identifies the part every one of us has to play in ensuring our long-term aspiration for Vision Zero becomes a reality. Scotland’s RSF2030 includes four national casualty reduction targets due for delivery in 2030 (Graphs 1-4). These compare performance against the 2014-2018 baseline period. Graphs 5-9 includes statistics on the RSF2030 mode and user-specific targets for key priority groups such as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and over represented age groups.

The following statistics are from the Key Reported Road Casualty Scotland 2023 publication. Please note, these statistics are provisional. Final figures will be published in Reported Road Casualties Scotland in October 2024. Figures may change as a result of late returns and amendments to the data. These changes are likely to be small.

Progress towards the 2030 national casualty reduction targets

1. Fatalities
Figure shows that the total number of fatalities in 2023 was above the indicative line required to achieve the target.
2. Serious injuries
Figure shows that the total number of seriously injured casualties in 2023 was on track to achieve the target.
3. Child fatalities
Figure shows that the total number of child fatalities in 2023 was above the indicative line required to achieve the target.
4. Children seriously injured
Figure shows that the total number of seriously injured child casualties in 2023 was above the indicative line required to achieve the target.

Progress towards the mode and user-specific 2030 casualty reduction target

5. Pedestrians killed or seriously injured
Figure shows that pedestrians killed or seriously injured in 2023 was below the indicative line required to achieve the target.
6. Cyclists killed or seriously injured
Figure shows that cyclists killed or seriously injured in 2023 was below the indicative line required to achieve the target.
7. Motorcyclists killed or seriously injured
Figure shows that motorcyclists killed or seriously injured in 2023 was below the indicative line required to achieve the target.
8. Road users aged 70+ killed or seriously injured
Figure shows that road users aged 70 or over  killed or seriously injured in 2023 was below the indicative line required to achieve the target.
9. Road users aged 17 to 25 killed or seriously injured
Figure shows that Road users aged 17 to 25 killed or seriously injured in 2023 was above the indicative line required to achieve the target.