Deliverables that Partners will take forward over 2024/25

There are 58 deliverables that lead delivery partners will undertake over 2024/25. Of which, 10 are longer term deliverables which have carried on from 2023/24, with some being from years prior. The deliverable numbering starts with the year it was created and first included in these publications. A total of 48 are new deliverables being taken forward in 2024/25; the numbering for these starts with 24. Please note: some new deliverables have been included in previous publications, but are renumbered on a yearly basis, with only specific actions for that reporting financial year being detailed.

Deliverables are provided below under the relevant strategic action. Text has been provided for these to allow the reader to understand the scope of the deliverable and how it will be delivered. It is followed, where appropriate, by detailed actions, which are relevant to what will be delivered in this financial year.

12 Strategic Actions

1 - Speed

We will deliver a range of speed management initiatives to support the Safe System.

21/01 - We will undertake a National Speed Management Review.

The process will include a stakeholder and public consultation in 2024/25 to consider views of whether any changes to speed limit policies and speed management measures should be introduced as part of our speed management plan.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

21/04 - We will continue development of Road Traffic Diversionary Courses (RTDC) in Scotland.

In 2024/25, against a backdrop of significant resourcing and financial issues, Police Scotland will continue to seek to progress the implementation of the RTDC courses in Scotland as a legitimate tool to educate drivers in relation to the dangers of driving at excessive speeds. The necessary IT functions have now been implemented and this groundwork will assist the development and roll-out of the Speed Awareness Courses when this project progresses.

Lead Partner: Police Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – No

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – Yes

2 - Climate

We will deliver road safety initiatives that positively impact the climate emergency and we will mitigate the negative impacts climate change may have on road safety.

24/01 - We will continue the maintenance of Network Management Contract (NMC), Vulnerable Locations and Disruption Risk Management Plan Sites.

In addition to the 55 schemes that are at either the investigation, design or construction stages for future years; a network wide review continues to be progressed to identify Vulnerable Locations that would benefit from early intervention. This work is considering SEPA flood map information in conjunction with record information held by the Operating Companies, including that held within the Disruption Risk Management Register. This information and that gathered from inspections and surveys will help to shape future year programmes, with interventions targeted year-on-year relative to funding availability.

Other Works:

  • Landscaping Resilience – Beyond maintenance landscaping interventions at pre-identified locations across network. Review and implementation of beyond maintenance landscape interventions to enhance resilience of trunk road network. Key locations to be identified from network surveys and annual landscape deliverables.
  • Vulnerable Location Surveys – Targeted surveys at pre-identified locations. Further asset surveys proposed to assist in identification of future vulnerable location sites.
  • Vulnerable Locations Geotechnical Assets – Inspection, Review and Investigation.
  • Vulnerable Culvert Assets – To be determined on a site-by-site basis.
  • Targeted interventions at pre-identified locations – Review of comprehensive inspection outputs for small capacity culverts and implementation of replacement programme, prioritising most vulnerable locations to enhance resilience of trunk road network.
  • Priority Rock Slope – Provision made for rock slope interventions.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Network Maintenance

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/02 - We will encourage and promote Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership in Scotland.

The budget has not been signed off for the proposed consumer incentives that are noted below for 2024/25.

In 2024/25 we intend to continue to support the uptake of EVs by providing interest-free loan funding. The focus of this scheme will remain on the nascent used EV market; this includes alternative zero emission fuel options such as hydrogen. The limit per vehicle will reduce from £30k to £25k. This approach will ensure the available budget can support more individuals and businesses and is designed to support more people and households on lower incomes make the switch to electric. This loan will also support the taxi sector in Scotland assisting with reducing emissions from a sector that significantly contributes to emission levels. We will also focus on a more Just Transition and continued to support our Plugged in Communities (PiC) scheme, this scheme supports usership over ownership of EVs by providing grant funding to community transport organisations to procure zero emission community transport vehicles as well as associated charging infrastructure, this will support rural communities and areas of higher deprivation where there is an unmet transport requirement. EV infrastructure funding continued to support the installation of charge points in domestic rural, remote and island locations and for recipients of the used electric vehicle loan, and will provide funding to factored/flatted developments where not having access to a driveway to install a charge point is often seen as a barrier for people making the change to EVs. (These schemes are funded annually as we cannot say if they will continue into 25/26).

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Low Carbon Economy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/03 - We will consider the impacts of the designs for new Low Emission Zones (LEZ) signs.

Implementation of advance LEZ warning signage on the trunk road network around Dundee LEZ.

Installation is expected prior to enforcement beginning 30 May 2024.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Environment & Sustainability

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/04 - We will promote smooth driving through various education methods.

Our conversation with the Driving and Riding for Work community will continue to focus on the three elements of the Safe System our programme is designed to encompass. Safe road use, safe vehicles and safe speeds linked to the data insights provided at Scotland’s Road Safety Summit March 2024.

Achieved through monthly campaigning on topics that encourage ownership at a personal, organisational and societal level.

We will educate the Driving and Riding for Work community and stakeholders about vehicle safety standards and emission standards, advising them of the benefits. This will cover areas such as Public Procurement of vehicles.

We will consider the impact of a lower drink drive limit on road traffic collisions in Scotland, identifying those driving for work. We will consider if people at work are more likely to be involved in collisions where drink and drugs is a contributory factor. We will learn from businesses that manage the risk and share best practice across the industry.

Lead Partner: ScORSA

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

3 - Funding and Resourcing

We will improve funding streams for national and local road safety delivery.

24/05 - We will support road safety projects, grant-funded through the Road Safety Framework Fund.

Transport Scotland will continue to support road safety projects through the Road Safety Framework Fund, to assist in the delivery of the RSF2030. We will share evaluations and findings with the wider road safety community. In 2024/25 we will:

  • Review the framework fund criteria to ensure that this is still fit for purpose.
  • Undertake a call for funding under the Road Safety Framework Fund.
  • Grant fund successful applications.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/06 - We will consider the development and implementation of a Road Safety Improvement Fund.

In 2024/25, we will deliver and implement a Road Safety Improvement Fund.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

4 - Change in Attitudes and Behaviour

We will engage in partnership working to enable all road users to understand their road safety responsibilities, allowing them to improve their attitudes and behaviours for the safety of themselves and others.

24/07 - We will continue to maintain Scotland’s Road Safety Framework online portal to share road safety information and changes.

Transport Scotland will ensure road users have access to learn and enhance their road safety knowledge. This will improve their road user experience, demonstrating positive road safety attitudes throughout their lives. We will:

  • Continue to promote the use of the online platform to partners to share messaging.
  • Regularly update with new and relevant information.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/08 - We will work with organisations on ‘driving for work’ policies.

The Road Safety Hour series will continue during this period, in addition to a series of face to face meetings established within each area of the Local Partnership Forum (LPF) network, this will enable ‘local’ conversations to be had about data and encourage sharing of driving for work policy information within and across LPF boundaries.

A survey of local authority driving for work policies and their implementation will be undertaken to create best practice models that have the potential to be cascaded through supply chains and the wider ScORSA membership.

Lead Partner: ScORSA

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

21/14 - We will raise a national conversation on road safety across all of Scotland.

This work is subject to funding being available in 2024/25 as this was not part of the original request when the budget was announced. However, we will look to deliver this in 2024/25, utilising existing campaigns, education and resources.

Lead Partner: Road Safety Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

5 - Technology

We will research, implement and evaluate technologies for use within the Safe System and promote them as appropriate.

22/10 - We will research the impacts of technology on road safety.

We will undertake a review of what research has been undertaken in other countries and outline if there is a need to commence Scottish specific research. We will thereafter decide what interventions should come out of it.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/09 - We will make use of Intelligent Transport Systems to enable users to make better and safer use of transport networks.

As the use of Intelligent Transport Systems helps to deliver our 24/7/365 Traffic Scotland Service we will continue to inspect, maintain and develop these to support the safe operation of the network.

Within the upcoming period 2024/25 we will progress our in-vehicle pilot to a closed-user group trial of the platform. We will also build upon our future vision by publishing it and empowering our contractors to deliver on it.

Work is being undertaken to harness connected vehicle ‘harsh braking’ data to highlight near-miss hotspots across the trunk road network. Data will be overlaid with multiple sources and reported upon to allow on-street interventions to be considered.

Work is being undertaken to look at the feasibility of harnessing eCall data to enhance current incident information within our Traffic Scotland National Control Centre. The eCall data has the potential to become a trusted source of incident information should it be available to us in an appropriate & usable format. It is likely to be most beneficial for confirming incidents in rural areas/locations of the Trunk Road Network where we have minimal CCTV or timely intervention from our Operational Partners.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/10 - We will implement the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) roadmap and evaluate its benefits it may have on road safety.

We will continue to seek opportunities to develop and harness the benefits that CAV offer the Traffic Scotland Service.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

6 - Active and Sustainable Travel

We will ensure road safety remains a key focus of active and sustainable travel in Scotland.

21/22 - The Scottish Government made a commitment to implement 20 mph speed limits on those roads where it is appropriate to do so by 2025.

Establish a delivery sub group to oversee the implementation of widespread 20 mph speed limits where appropriate by 2025. Furthermore, we will:

  • Create and monitor a programme for delivery
  • Develop implementation and evaluation guidance to ensure a level of consistency is applied across Scotland in its delivery of 20 mph speed limits
  • Support 33 road authorities in their delivery (funding/issues/questions).

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – No

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – Yes

23/15 - We will deliver 20 mph speed limits on the trunk road network.

Consultation is ongoing with other local authorities where sections of trunk road are being considered for the National 20mph Strategy.

Monitoring and evaluation of the 20mph speed limits that have been implemented will continue to identify any potential locations that may require engineering (which may include reallocation of road space), education and/or enforcement investment to support speed compliance and achieve practical 20mph delivery.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Trunk Road Casualty Reduction

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – No

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – Yes

24/11 - We will deliver a People and Place Programme.

Introduce a transformed model of delivery for behaviour change and access to bikes, based on direct funding to Regional Transport Partnerships.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Active Travel

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/12 - We will implement an Active Travel Infrastructure Fund.

Through a new tiered delivery model for Active Travel infrastructure, construction-ready projects will be delivered through a new Active Travel Infrastructure Fund.

The fund will facilitate the implementation of various infrastructure enhancements, including the establishment of new permanent segregated cycleways, junction treatments, permanent footways, shared-use facilities catering to walking, wheeling, and cycling, installation of physical protections to enhance safety along existing cycle or footway routes, area-wide traffic management initiatives, minor enhancements to existing walking, wheeling, and cycling routes for improved safety and convenience, as well as the creation of safer streets around schools and targeted schemes for speed reduction.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Active Travel

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

7 - Knowledge and Data Analysis

We will ensure our actions are evidence-led to support the delivery of the Safe System.

24/13 - IAM RoadSmart will continue to engage with partners in Scotland.

The new IAM RoadSmart will continue to work to deliver its new Strategy to support an increasingly diverse community of road safety experts across the United Kingdom including Scotland. You can view our strategy here:

Lead Partner: IAM RoadSmart

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/14 - We will introduce three new Key Priority Groups on Age, Vulnerable Road Users and Driver Behaviour & Enforcement.

In 2024/25, we will introduce three new Key Priority Groups into the Road Safety Framework’s governance structure. The current motorcycle priority group will continue to meet.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/15 - We will contribute to the delivery of the Road Safety Framework to 2030 by coordinating and chairing the Key Priority Working Group on Vulnerable Road Users.

We will coordinate and chair the meetings of the agreed Priority Working Group on Vulnerable Road Users, when these groups are established.

Lead Partner: Cycling Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/16 - Transport Scotland will identify what guidance documents need to be created or updated, to assist in Safe System implementation.

Transport Scotland and SCOTS will work in partnership to identify what policy and guidance documents require to be created or updated to assist local authorities in implementing the Safe System on their networks.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

8 - Enforcement

We will optimise enforcement to encourage good road user behaviour to support the Safe System.

24/17 - We will continue operation of the Scottish Safety Camera Programme.

  • Ensure the continued operation of the Scottish Safety Camera Programme.
  • Deliver a range of new safety camera sites, including new fixed, mobile and redlight camera sites across the road network.
  • Ensure the safety camera site selection criteria is appropriately used to inform the annual site prioritisation process.
  • Consider the use of new technology and/or innovative deployment strategies.
  • Publish the Safety Camera Programme Annual Progress Report 2023/24 by winter 2024.
  • Undertake a safety camera specific communications campaign to enhance the public understanding of why cameras are deployed in Scotland and the benefit they bring.

Lead Partner: Scottish Safety Camera Programme/Police Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/18 - Enforcement of parking prohibitions contained in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019.

We will continue to work with all local authorities over the coming year as they look to commence enforcement of the parking prohibitions.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Roads Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/19 - We will increase the use of visual deterrents and enforcement across the road network with the aim to reduce speed and promote the likelihood of being caught.

Speeding remains a strong focus and is included within our 2024/25 National Calendar of Road Safety Activity, developed in consultation with partners and reviewed & ratified at the Tactical Options Working Group (TOWG). 2024/25 tactical plans developed by Roads Policing Area Commanders include a speed enforcement focus within the key area of influencing driver and road user behaviour.

Police Scotland will undertake speed enforcement as a daily activity, supplemented by days/weeks of action within the campaigns calendar. Locations identified as speed complaint areas, through collision history or public information, will be investigated and addressed as appropriate, by both Road Policing and local police officers trained in speed enforcement. Activity will be measured and reported to partners via TOWG. In 2024/25 we will undertake the following:

  • Deployment of high visibility patrols to target offenders and improve driver behaviours and attitudes on these routes. Detections recorded and reported upon throughout the year.
  • Police Scotland to deliver a National Speeding Campaign, as part of the Road Safety Campaigns Calendar with activity tailored to suit local areas. Support from partners with appropriate social media strategies to deliver key messages.
  • Police Scotland will work closely with partners to consider new and innovative approaches to speed enforcement in order to improve driver behaviour and reduce casualties.
  • Safety camera deployments in accordance with the Scottish Safety Camera Programme policy and criteria. Safety Camera Unit to continue enforcement of average speed cameras in each command area, with a view to reducing the instances of speeding and improve driver attitudes and behaviours. Detections recorded and reported upon throughout the year.

Lead Partner: Police Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/20 - We will deliver road policing operational/campaign activity.

In 2024/25 we will deliver the following road policing operational/campaign activity:

  • Police Scotland will deliver a National Calendar of Road Safety Activity covering April 2024–March 2025. Campaign activity will focus on the Fatal Five (careless driving, drink/drug driving, mobile phones, seatbelts and speeding). Campaigns will be national but locally delivered, supported by partners and with media support to ensure appropriate key messages are delivered.
  • Other areas of focus to include vulnerable road user groups including cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. These will be run alongside partners where appropriate to maximise effectiveness and highlighted via social media.
  • General road safety enforcement delivered on a daily basis by Police Scotland, including by Road Policing officers and the Safety Camera Unit, as part of their core roles, supported by Local Policing officers where appropriate. To improve driver attitudes and behaviours, deployment of resources will be informed by intelligence and data analysis to identify routes where injury and fatal collisions occur and/or offending is prevalent.
  • Enforcement activity will be measured with data captured by Police Scotland’s Analysis and Performance Unit (APU) throughout and published in quarterly performance reports.
  • Police Scotland will work with internal and external partners to consider new and innovative approaches to enforcement and campaign activity in order to improve driver behaviour and reduce casualties.

Lead Partner: Police Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/21 - We will make it easier to submit digital evidence in respect of poor or unlawful road user behaviour. (This has replaced the previous deliverable: 21/30 - We will begin the development of a National Dashcam Safety Portal, enabling anyone to upload camera footage of dangerous driving for example.)

In 2024-25, we will continue to progress the Digital Evidence Sharing Capability (DESC) towards the implementation into daily policing, allowing greater interaction with the public in respect of many areas, including enhancing road safety. DESC as a programme will allow the storage, sharing and presentation of evidence which exists in a digital format (e.g. digital CCTV, body-worn camera footage, material recorded on a DVD, digital documents, emails, or the contents of a mobile phone) as well as evidence which contains data in a non-digital format (e.g. paper records and forms, video tape, non-digital photographs).

Lead Partner: Police Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – No

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – Yes

9 - Health

We will strengthen the relationship between health and road safety, reduce the likelihood, number and severity of collisions and improve the post-crash response.

24/22 - We will publish new transport pages on the Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) site.

We will work with partners to update the transport and health part of Scottish Public Health Observatory, which provides information on health and transport for use of rang.

Lead Partner: Public Health Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/23 - We will share evidence on road traffic collision injury prevention with strategic partners.

We will share with partners evidence on what works to prevent road injury.

Lead Partner: Public Health Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/24 - We will publish a report on unintentional injuries that includes information on road traffic injury hospital admission and deaths.

We will report on road transport injuries in the annual Public Health Scotland report on unintentional injury in Scotland.

Lead Partner: Public Health Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/25 - We will publish new transport pages on the Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) site.

In 2024-25, we will publish a new section on Transport on the ScotPHO website, which will include road injuries.

Lead Partner: Public Health Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/26 - We will continue to support the Scottish Trauma Audit Group (STAG) in auditing trauma care.

We will audit the care of people who have been significantly injured, including those injured from a road traffic collision, to improve the quality of care, overall experience and long-term outcome of patients with significant injuries, through measuring compliance against standards of care, and we will publish an annual report on the 2023/24 audit.

Lead Partner: Public Health Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

22/19 - We will review the clinical model to prioritise response to road collisions.

Nil update received.

Lead Partner: Scottish Ambulance Service

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

10 - Education

We will provide opportunities for all road users to gain the knowledge, skills and experience required to become safe and responsible users.

24/27 - We will continue to promote and refine Road Safety Scotland learning resources.

  • We will continue the promotion of learning resources using as many platforms as possible.
  • Completion of work on resourced development/renewal.
  • We will continue consolidation of our website.

Lead Partner: Road Safety Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/28 - We will deliver national road safety campaigns.

In keeping with RSF 2030 priorities and with particular reference to the In-Depth Fatalities Report, we will develop campaigns to address the main causes of death and serious injury on Scotland’s roads.

Lead Partner: Road Safety Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/29 - We will promote road safety and highlight our learning resources, by attending various events across Scotland.

In keeping with RSF 2030 priorities and with particular reference to the In-Depth Fatalities Report, we will develop national campaigns including:

  • Motorbikes
  • Drive on the Left
  • Speeding
  • Drink and Drug Driving
  • Seatbelts
  • Older Drivers - Fitness to Drive
  • Vulnerable Road Users
  • Young Drivers
  • Road Safety Information Tracking Study (RITS)

The Drink and Drug Driving campaign will tackle drivers aged 18-35. As outlined in the Road Safety Framework there is a need to ensure drivers do not drive while impaired through alcohol or drugs. Drug driving limits and roadside drug testing were introduced in Scotland in October 2019. Since then, more than 19,000 tests have been carried out with almost half of those resulting in a positive test (49%). However, a relatively low awareness of roadside testing remains, so RSS will continue to address this through campaign activity.

We will evaluate all above mentioned campaigns.

Lead Partner: Road Safety Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/30 - We will provide accredited training and provide safety checks on In-Car Child Safety.

Provide accredited training on child restraints to enhance expert advice and support throughout Scotland and organise child car seat safety checks for the general public across the country.

Lead Partner: Road Safety Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/31 - We will deliver National Coach/Lorry & Van week, and host Spring/Autumn Seminars, to continue to engage with membership on road safety & compliance.

The campaigns will run: Coach Week (April 2024), Van week (June 2024) and Lorry Week (October 2024). The seminars are booked for April 2024 & October 2024.

Lead Partner: Road Haulage Association

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/32 - IAM RoadSmart will support a further national roll out of the Rider Refinement programme.

Ongoing meetings are being held with Police Scotland to support further roll out of Rider Refinement. Future progress subject to confirmation from Police Scotland.

Lead Partner: IAM RoadSmart

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – No

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – Yes

24/33 - We will undertake research to inform policy on cycling and safety.

In 2024/25, subject to approval of funding support from the Road Safety Framework Fund, Cycling Scotland will work in partnership with Transport Scotland to identify opportunities to reduce the risks posed by work-related journeys, especially large vehicles, and incentivise relevant education and training to improve road safety.

Lead Partner: Cycling Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/34 - We will deliver an annual Give Cycle Space campaign.

Give Cycle Space is an annual, national campaign to encourage drivers to give space to people cycling, informed by evidence and developed in partnership with Police Scotland, with funding from Transport Scotland. The campaign is supported by our partners highlighting the legal consequences to drivers of ‘close-passing’ of people cycling.

Plans are underway for development of the 2024 campaign. Long-term, the aim of this activity is to work with regional and local partners and contribute towards a decrease in serious incidents on Scotland’s roads involving people on pedal bikes which will be tracked year on year from the Reported Road Casualties Scotland statistics. In 2024/2025, a pre- and post-evaluation of the campaign will be carried out, measuring changes in awareness and claimed behaviour.

Lead Partner: Cycling Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/35 - We will offer Practical Cycle Awareness Training.

Subject to Transport Scotland funding decisions, in 2024/25 Cycling Scotland will continue to educate and raise awareness of the drivers of large vehicles and learner drivers to step into the shoes of more vulnerable road users, including those on bikes, on foot and those with disabilities to provide them with a greater understanding of their needs, through delivery of Practical Cycle Awareness Training to other road users. This action is broken down by:

  • LGV/PCV drivers as part of JAUPT accredited Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) requirements
  • Fleet and business users
  • Young and learner drivers.

This commitment depends on continued and escalating funding to expand the programme across the lifetime of the framework.

Lead Partner: Cycling Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/36 - We will provide adult cycle training.

In 2024/25 we will support a network of delivery partners to increase opportunities and uptake of cycle training for adults and families. This commitment depends on continued and escalating funding to expand the programme across the lifetime of the framework.

Lead Partner: Cycling Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/37 - We will deliver Bikeability Scotland.

Bikeability Scotland aligned to the UK National Standard for Cycle Training. It is aimed at improving the skills and confidence of young people to make journeys by bike. This includes significant focus on sharing space, both on-road and off, including vulnerable road user awareness. This commitment depends on continued and escalating funding to expand the programme across the lifetime of the framework.

In 2024/25 we will support local authorities to ensure school children have access to on-road cycle training through delivery of Bikeability Scotland levels 1-3 in schools. Level of delivery is subject to further Transport Scotland funding decisions in 2024/25.

Lead Partner: Cycling Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/38 - We will continue deliver RoSPAs road safety activities.

RoSPA will continue to be a proactive partner in the work of the Operational Partnership Group and identify new routes for sharing partner messaging within Scotland, UK and wider world, given the universal application of a Safe Systems approach within a road safety context. We will enhance our visibility within and connection to the Local Partnership Forum network to ensure that the benefits of managing driving and riding for work are understood at a local authority level within a road safety context.

Lead Partner: ScORSA

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/39 - We will deliver educational cycle safety package for schools.

We will deliver cycle safety information to schools.

Lead Partner: Scottish Fire & Rescue Service

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/40 - We will deliver road safety education to secondary schools.

We will deliver road safety education utilising Virtual Reality package.

Lead Partner: Scottish Fire & Rescue Service

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/41 - We will deliver road safety education to older drivers.

We will deliver road safety educational packages to elderly drivers.

Lead Partner: Scottish Fire & Rescue Service

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/42 - We will deliver Henry The Horse campaign, to educate school pupils on road safety and raise awareness of the increasing number of reported incidents involving horses and vehicles.

This project is about educating children on road safety and raising awareness of the increasing number of reported incidents involving horses and vehicles, in Primary Schools. A member of the safety team at The British Horse Society would attend your school, once you sign up, to deliver the road safety awareness course to school pupils, which will include acting out scenes while using hobby horses, as all part of the fun while learning! Henry the Horse | The British Horse Society (

Lead Partner: British Horse Society

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/43 - We will deliver a Dead Slow campaign to reduce incidents and fatalities involving horses and riders.

As the number of vehicles continues to increase resulting in busier roads, this means these routes are becoming much more dangerous to use, especially for vulnerable road users like horse riders and carriage drivers. Our aim is to reduce the number of incidents and fatalities involving horses and riders on the road by educating all road users and campaigning to make drivers aware of what to do if they encounter a horse on the road. Dead Slow | The British Horse Society (

The BHS collates statistics each year to understand the rate of incidents involving horses and riders on UK roads. All statistics shown below are from 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2023. This includes our ‘Horse i’ incident reporting app: Incident report form | The British Horse Society (

Lead Partner: British Horse Society

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/44 - We will deliver Horse transportation education and driver training.

Working with vehicle manufacturers and sales points and other partner like Vosa and Police Scotland to raise awareness of good transportation including vehicle checks, maintenance, tyres, preparations to travel.

Working with logistics companies to raise awareness of the needs of vulnerable road users among delivery drivers.

Lead Partner: British Horse Society

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

22/24 - We will develop and trial a Safe System training course for all.

The framework-funded project will conclude in June where we will receive the final independent evaluation. An e-learning primer, cultural maturity playbook and a data audit have been completed. The wire-frame for the Safe System Manual will also be completed, and should the project be positively evaluated, we will commence phase 2 to finalise the manual. Longer term, we will aim to deliver the training courses to 500 road safety partners across Scotland, by the end of financial year 2024/25.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

11 - Engineering

We will improve road infrastructure and maintenance.

24/45 - We will trial interventions for motorcyclists on the Trunk Road Network.

We will continue with Phase 2 of the trial which includes right-hand bends. Installation guidance will be finalised.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/46 - We will implement road safety measures to reduce motorcycle casualties and severities on the Scottish road network.

We will undertake analysis to understand known collision locations and outline and implement a range of measures to reduce casualties and severities. This will include the roll out of PRIME markings at known collision locations.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland and local authorities

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

22/33 - We will publish a new Strategic Road Safety Plan for the Trunk Road.

A new Strategic Road Safety Plan will be developed.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Trunk Road Casualty Reduction

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/47 - We will deliver widespread road safety engineering initiatives and risk reduction measures on the local and trunk road network.

We will deliver road safety measures through available local and trunk road casualty reduction budgets ensuring that they align with the principles of the Safe System.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland & local authorities

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

12 - Inequality

We will reduce road safety inequality due to socio-economic disadvantage of people living in areas of deprivation.

22/35 - We will gather evidence to understand if there is a link between speed and the casualty rate in the most deprived 10% Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) areas.

Datasets will be presented to the OPG meetings in 2024/25 where members will analyse the data, and take appropriate action.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No

24/48 - We will identify and deliver Safe System wide initiatives to reduce casualties in the most deprived Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) areas.

We will identify and deliver focused road safety initiatives in areas of deprivation to reduce casualties and risk to all road users, with the aim of reducing child inequalities. These area wide initiatives will include, engineering, education, enforcement, potential reallocation of road space and new technologies.

Lead Partner: Transport Scotland and local authorities

Delivery timescale: Immediate 2024-2025 – Yes

Delivery timescale: Longer-Term 2025-2026 – No