Carbon Reduction and Environmental Impact

In addition to general support for the importance of reducing carbon emissions associated with ferry services, it was noted that the objective is consistent with national and local policy priorities around decarbonisation and sustainable economic growth. However, questions were raised about the extent to which carbon emissions associated with ferry services can be reduced sufficiently to meet Net Zero targets. It was suggested that decarbonisation of ferry services will be challenging in the context of currently available technologies.

In terms of the ways in which ferry-related carbon emissions can be reduced, comments around ferry design included that the current, ‘ageing fleet’ should be replaced to reduce carbon emissions, with delays in delivery of new vessels and in harbour improvement works seen as having contributed to increased carbon emissions.

Discussion of the potential role of fuel type and use in reducing carbon emissions included calls for the Operator to prioritise use of alternative fuels from sustainable sources wherever possible. Maximising efficiency and use of available ferry capacity was also seen as a means of reducing carbon impacts.