Biographical information on respondents

The main consultation asked respondents six questions about themselves and their use of the CHFS network.

Why do you mainly use CHFS network services?

Responses by individual or organisation are set out in Table 3 below. A full break down by organisation type is included at Annex 2.

Table 3: Responses by type and purpose of use of CHFS network services
Respondents For Business For Personal/Leisure For Work/Education All of the above Other Total
Organisations 9 1 0 13 2 25
% of organisations 36% 4% 0% 52% 8% Not Applicable
Individuals 14 171 18 159 13 375
% of individuals 4% 46% 5% 42% 3% Not Applicable
All respondents 23 172 18 172 15 400
% of all respondents 6% 43% 5% 43% 4% Not Applicable

Respondents were most likely to say that they mainly use CHFS services for personal/leisure use or for all of the possible reasons given – 43% of those who answered the question in both cases. Unsurprisingly, the pattern was different for organisations, with 36% mainly using services for business and 52% for all of the reasons given.

How frequently do you use CHFS services?

Responses by individual or organisation are set out in Table 4 below. A full break down by organisation type is included at Annex 2.

Table 4: Frequency of use of CHFS network services
Respondents 2-4 times a week 5-7 times a week Once a week Once every other week Once a month Occasionally Seasonal (Summer period) Other Total
Organisations 0 6 0 1 5 1 0 10 23
% of organisations 0% 26% 0% 4% 22% 4% 0% 43% Not Applicable
Individuals 35 9 40 74 103 60 12 42 375
% of individuals 9% 2% 11% 20% 27% 16% 3% 11% Not Applicable
All respondents 35 15 40 75 108 61 12 52 398
% of all respondents 9% 4% 10% 19% 27% 15% 3% 13% Not Applicable

Respondents were most likely to say they use CHFS services once a month (27% of those who answered the question), followed by once every other week (19%).

Excepting the ‘Other’ option (selected by 43% of the organisations who answered the question), organisations were most likely to use services 5-7 times a week (26%) or once a month (22%). Half of the organisations selecting the 5-7 times a week option were Haulage companies (See Annex 2).

Among the organisations who selected the ‘Other’ option, and who went on to explain their choice, there were references to staff using multiple services in any one day, to using the ferry on an ‘as needed’ basis, and to being a group or organisation whose members will have their own pattern and frequency of ferry use.

Please select your age bracket:

Responses for individual respondents are set out in Table 5 below.

Table 5: Responses by age bracket
Respondents 16 to 18 22 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 or over Other Total
Individuals 1 31 43 78 99 123 0 375
% of individuals 0% 8% 11% 21% 26% 33% 0% Not Applicable

Respondents were most likely to fall in the 65 or over age bracket, with 33% of those who answered the question falling in this age group. Overall, the proportion of respondents decreased according to age bracket, and only one respondent was aged 16-18 years old.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Responses for individual respondents are set out in Table 6 below.

Table 6: Responses by disability status
Respondents Yes No Total
Individuals 40 335 375
% of individuals 11% 89% Not Applicable

Amongst individual respondents, 11% of those who answered the question said that they considered themselves to have a disability.

Are you responding as a…?

Respondents CHFS network visitor or tourist CHFS network business (Island and Scottish mainland) CHFS network resident (Islands including Peninsulas) CHFS network resident (Scottish Mainland) Total
Organisations 0 5 15 3 23
% of organisations 0% 22% 65% 13% Not Applicable
Individuals 28 8 275 35 346
% of individuals 8% 2% 79% 10% Not Applicable
All respondents 28 13 290 38 369
% of all respondents 8% 4% 79% 10% Not Applicable

A majority – 79% of those who answered the question – identified themselves as CHFS network residents on islands and peninsulas.

If you are a CHFS network resident (Islands, Peninsulas, Scottish Mainland) please advise which CHFS community in which you are resident, and which local authority area you live in. If you are a visitor or tourist, please advise in which location you are resident.

Tables 8: Responses by Local Authority and Community Area

North Ayrshire Council
Community n
Arran 73
Cumbrae 11
Total 84
Argyll and Bute Council
Community n
Islay 32
Colonsay 4
Mull and Iona 19
Coll and Tiree 8
Kerrera 2
Luing 1
Bute 14
Dunoon/Cowal Peninsula 21
Rosneath Peninsula 3
Kintyre 1
Total 105
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Community n
Lewis and Harris 32
Uists, Benbecula and Barra 23
Outer Hebrides - unspecified 14
Total 69
The Highland Council
Community n
Skye 1
Raasay 9
Small Isles 1
Total 11
Community n
Hebrides - unspecified 2
Total 2
Scottish Mainland
Community n
CHFS area - North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, Argyll and Bute, Inverclyde 20
Other - East Dunbartonshire, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Fife, Glasgow, Highland (Inverness), Moray, Perth and Kinross, South Lanarkshire, Stirling 19
Total 39
Location outside Scotland
Community n
Total 2

In terms of a single island or peninsula, the largest number of responses came from residents of the Isle of Arran, followed by Islay and then Lewis and Harris. With respect to local authority area, the largest number of respondents were resident in Argyll and Bute.

The consultation paper did not define the extent of the CHFS network area with respect to the Scottish mainland, and some respondents who would seem likely to be classed as residents described themselves as visitors, and vice versa. The table therefore shows the number of mainland respondents according to area indicated rather than the group selected.