Transport Scotland Active Travel Programmes

The Transport Scotland Trunk Road Casualty Reduction Programme receives funding from the Active Travel budget to improve pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, with an emphasis on safety. This includes addressing key issues such as severance and providing safe links for communities along the trunk road network.

In 2023-24, the value of this funding was £4.5m and delivered the following types of projects:

  • New or improved shared surface
  • New or improved pedestrian/cyclist crossings
  • Active Travel/ traffic counting
  • Signals
  • Footway/footpath
  • New or improved footway and segregated cycleway
  • Path snagging and minor improvement works
Table 8: Trunk Road Casualty Reduction Headlines



New & upgraded infrastructure length

Projects supported

Partners supported

Average construction cost


£4.5 million

21km (see note 2)


12 LAs


Note 2: Disaggregated data for new/upgraded infrastructure was not collected for this year. This will be addressed in future years.

Case study: A92 Balfarg to New Inn Roundabout Cycleway (Fife)

This project provides 490m of shared use path, as well as improved lighting and crossings for those walking, wheeling, and cycling north of Balfarg. This includes new tactile paving and bollards to contribute to safer crossing movements.

This section of the A92 is a rural route forming part of a strategic link from Dunfermline, north of the Queensferry Crossing, to Dundee via Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes. The scheme is an extension to the improvement works undertaken by BEAR Scotland in 2021 which provides a shared use facility adjacent to the A92 from Balfarg junction north for approximately 1.5km. The proposed scheme will complete the shared use facility from Balfarg to the A914 to the east of New Inn Roundabout.

New shared use path along the A92
Figure 13: New shared use path along the A92

The improvements provide a high quality, inclusive and safe facility for pedestrians and cyclists to connect to the NCN and encourage more users to walk, wheel or cycle this route.

The Road Safety Improvement Fund was allocated £9.5m in 2023-24. This funding aims to support LAs in reducing road-related risks and casualties across Scotland. Of the £9.5m funding, £3.1m was provided for targeted road safety measures promoting Active Travel on the local road network. The goal is to enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists in high-risk areas, ensuring safer journeys for those opting for sustainable modes of transport.

Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030 sets an ambitious goal to become the global leader in road safety by 2030. Backed by national and mode-specific casualty reduction targets, the framework aims for a 40% reduction in pedestrian casualties resulting in serious injuries or fatalities (KSI) and a 20% reduction in cyclist KSIs by the end of the decade.

The additional funding is a crucial intervention to help meet Scotland’s casualty reduction targets and support a shift towards safer, more sustainable modes of transport.

In 2023-24, the value of this funding was £3.1m and delivered the following types of projects:

  • New or improved footway
  • New or improved pedestrian/cyclist crossings
  • Improved junction
  • Road markings
  • School travel improvements
  • Traffic signs and signals
  • Traffic calming
  • Tactile paving
Table 9: Road Safety Improvement Fund Headlines



New & upgraded infrastructure length

Projects supported

Partners supported

Average construction cost


£3.1 million

N/A (see note 1)


17 LAs

N/A - see note 3

Note 3: This information will be available from 2024-25 onwards.

Case Study: Traffic Islands, Stevenston (North Ayrshire)

North Ayrshire Council identified a risk for pedestrians on the Saltcoats Road, with more vulnerable road users accessing nearby schools and amenities on a road with high vehicle volumes. With an aim to create a safer route to both school and local amenities, whilst also reducing conflicts between users on the road, North Ayrshire Council invested in the creation of a safer cross point and link path.

New pedestrian refuge on Saltcoats Road.
Figure 14: New pedestrian refuge on Saltcoats Road.

Installation of two traffic islands and a link path will positively affect the most vulnerable road users by creating safer crossing points on the road network at locations with a history of collisions. Reducing the number of collisions on the road network will promote safer road use, encourage Active Travel modes, and improve road safety. This will benefit local residents, enhance the local environment, and create a safer space for all road users.

Figure 15: Installation of the new Duniface footbridge

Transport Scotland also worked with Network Rail and Fife Council to deliver Active Travel elements of the wider Levenmouth Rail project. As part of this work, Transport Scotland provided £8m in 2023-24 to help deliver footbridge river crossings at Methilhill and Duniface, connecting communities and enhancing access to local amenities including connections to the new railway stations.