Executive Summary

In 2023-24, Scottish Government Active Travel infrastructure investment exceeded £165m, delivering a range of infrastructure interventions and projects across several programmes. This investment was distributed across Scotland and delivered the following headline outputs in 2023-2024.

Figure 1: Headline achievements in Active Travel in 2023-24.

Figure 1 shows:

Over £165m invested across nine funding streams;

  • Over 950 interventions delivered;
  • Over 115km of new and upgraded Active Travel infrastructure;
  • More than 140 new or improved pedestrian/cyclist crossings; and
  • Over 40 safer junctions.

Figure 2 shows how infrastructure investment in each programme was distributed in 2023-24, as a proportion of overall expenditure. Sustrans’ Places for Everyone (PfE) was the largest programme (£76m or 45.7% of the total investment), then Cycling Walking Safer Routes (CWSR) (£35m/21.1%), and then the Active Travel Transformation Fund (ATTF) (£19.5m/11.7%).  Following this, it shows National Cycle Network (NCN)  representing £14.2m/8.5%, then Trunk Roads (£4.5m/2.7%),  Regional Active Travel Grant (£4.3m/2.6%), Road Safety (£3.1m/1.9%) and Ian Findlay Path Fund (£1.5m/1%).

With CWSR, ATTF and Road Safety funding combined, a total of £57.6m/ 35% funding was provided directly from Transport Scotland to LAs. Figure 2 also shows funding for the integration of Active Travel and public transport, with investment in Levenmouth station (Rail Investment) totalling £8m (4.8%).

Figure 2: Active Travel Programmes represented as proportion of overall expenditure:

2023- 24 Active Travel Programme Investment

  • Places for Everyone - £76.0 million
  • Cycling Walking Safer Routes - £35.0 million
  • Active Travel Transformation Fund - £19.5 million
  • National Cycle Network - £14.2 million
  • Rail Investment - £8.0 million
  • Trunk Roads - £4.5 million
  • Regional Active Travel Grant - £4.3 million
  • Road Safety - £3.1 million
  • IFPF - £1.6 million.

Table 1 and Figure 3 below show how funding was distributed across LAs, ranked from highest to lowest. These figures do not show include funding distributed to Regional Transport Partnerships (RTPs), National Park Authorities (NPAs), or a range of community groups and public and third sector partners that received funding through PfE and NCN, which totals £19.2m.

Table 1: Local Authority Funding Distribution
Number Local Authority Investment
1 City of Edinburgh £31.5m
2 Glasgow City £13.9m
3 Fife £13.7m
4 Dundee City £12.2m
5 Stirling £8.8m
6 Angus £5.8m
7 Highland £5.8m
8 Scottish Borders £5.2m
9 East Renfrewshire £5.1m
10 Renfrewshire £4.3m
11 North Lanarkshire £3.9m
12 Inverclyde £3.2m
13 Aberdeenshire £2.8m
14 Moray £2.7m
15 South Lanarkshire £2.6m
16 Aberdeen City £2.4m
17 East Ayrshire £2.4m
18 Clackmannanshire £2.1m
19 Argyll and Bute £1.9m
20 South Ayrshire £1.9m
21 Perth and Kinross £1.9m
22 North Ayrshire £1.9m
23 Dumfries and Galloway £1.8m
24 East Lothian £1.7m
25 Falkirk £1.5m
26 West Lothian £1.4m
27 East Dunbartonshire £1.2m
28 West Dunbartonshire £1.1m
29 Midlothian £0.9m
30 Na h-Eileanan Siar £0.72m
31 Shetland Islands £0.59m
32 Orkney Islands £0.16m


Figure 3: Active Travel Investment across Scotland.