
Following an intensive two-year period of stakeholder engagement through the Active Travel Transformation Project, a major change programme for Active Travel delivery commenced in 2024. The 2024-25 Active Travel programme implements recommendations from the Transformation Project to deliver infrastructure at pace and scale and drive improvements in the delivery of behaviour change interventions, with more funding provided direct to partners for both infrastructure and behaviour change interventions. On infrastructure, a new tiered delivery model has been introduced, with direct funding available to LAs, RTPs and NPAs.

New segregated cycle path on Garscube Road, Glasgow.
Figure 4: New segregated cycle path on Garscube Road, Glasgow.

In 2024-25, Tier 1 of the Active Travel Infrastructure Fund replaced Cycling, Walking, Safer Routes, with £35m capital funding provided direct to LAs for spend on activity on local Active Travel  priorities, with fund objectives to design, develop and deliver interventions that will enhance safety and accessibility. The Fund’s distribution across all 32 LAs reflects the shared policy priorities of national and local government, with a reduced administrative burden for LAs in delivering the Fund. Transport Scotland is engaging with LAs as the financial year progresses to monitor the effectiveness of the new fund and provide ongoing support.

Following the successful introduction of the Transformation Fund in 2023-24, Tier 2 of the Active Travel Infrastructure Fund will be the primary vehicle for the Scottish Government to fund Active Travel infrastructure. This shifts from the previous approach where Sustrans administered funding through its Places for Everyone programme. The Fund is open to LAs, RTPs and NPAs, and supports ambitions set out in Active Travel Strategies, Local Transport Strategies and Regional Transport Strategies.