

  • Fiona Hyslop MSP (FH) - Cabinet Secretary for Transport
  • Craig Peaston (CP) - Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport
  • Lawrence Shackman (LSh) - Transport Scotland
  • Gordon Ramsay (GR) - Transport Scotland
  • Gavin Dyet (GD) - Transport Scotland
  • Tanya Waaser (TS) - Transport Scotland
  • Rory Gunn (RG) - AtkinsRealis WSP Joint Venture (AWJV)
  • Chris Southwell (CS) - AWJV
  • Caroline Trainer (CT) - AWJV
  • Eddie Ross (ER) - BEAR Scotland
  • Mike Baxter (MB) - BEAR Scotland
  • Gordon Ross (GRo) - Western Ferries
  • John Gurr (JG) A83 Rest and Be Thankful (RaBT) Campaign Group
  • Councillor Maurice Corry (MC) - Argyll and Bute Council


  • James Porteous (JP) - Transport Scotland
  • Martin Polland (MP) - Transport Scotland
  • Scott Lees (SP) - Transport Scotland  
  • Duncan Hamilton (DH) - AWJV
  • Alan Bell (AB) - Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park
  • Ariane Burgess MSP (AB) - Scottish Parliament
  • Cathy Craig (CC) - Wild About Argyll
  • Councillor Dougie Philand (DP) - Argyll and Bute Council
  • Councillor John Armour (JA) - Argyll and Bute Council
  • Councillor Jennifer Kelly (JK) - Argyll and Bute Council
  • Duncan Macalister (DM) - National Farmers Union Scotland’s (NFUS) Argyll & the Islands
  • Gavin Dick (GD) - Inveraray Jail
  • Gemma Corbett (GC) - Parliamentary Assistant to Rhoda Grant MSP
  • Jane MacLeod (JM) - Mid Argyll Chamber of Commence
  • Jim Smith (JS) - Argyll and Bute Council
  • Jonathan Walker (JW) - Logistics UK
  • Keir Low (KL) - Constituency Assistant to Jenni Minto MSP
  • Lucy Sumsion (LS) - National Farmers Union Scotland
  • Martin Reid (MR) - Road Haulage Association
  • Morag Goodfellow (MG) - Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Neil Hunter (NH) - Caledonian MacBrayne
  • Neil MacRae (NM) - HiTRANS
  • Nicholas Sobey (NS) - Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Peter McKerral (PM) - Peter McKerral & Co Ltd
  • Ranald Robertson (RR) - HiTRANS
  • Rhoda R Grant (RG) MSP - Scottish Parliament
  • Tim Eagle MSP (TE) - Scottish Parliament
  • Tracy Carmichael (TC) - Scottish Parliament


  • Douglas Ross MSP
  • Edward Mountain MSP
  • Jackie Ballie MSP
  • Councillor Jim Lynch
  • Kevin McIntosh (Argyll and Bute Council)
  • Jillian Brown (Argyll and Bute Council)
  • John Hair (Forestry and Land Scotland)
  • Martin Bell (Road Haulage Association)
  • Pippa Milne (Argyll and Bute Council)
  • Gordon Watson (Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park)