Annex B - AtkinsRealis WSP Joint Venture Presentation

Slide 1 - Meeting details

Slide 1, as described in the text below
Slide 1

A83 Rest and Be Thankful

Taskforce number 26
22 May 2024

Rory Gunn (AWJV)

Slide 2 - Ground Investigations

Slide 2, as described in the text below
Slide 2

Medium Term Solution Phase 1 – completed summer 2023

Medium Term Solution Phases 2/3

  • Awarded to Soil Engineering
  • Groundworks now commenced on site

Long Term Solution

  • Tender evaluation nearing completion
  • Groundworks commencing thereafter

Slide 3 - Consultation

Slide 3, as described in the text below
Slide 3
  • Storymap - regular updates
    Access to Argyll and Bute (A83) Story Map (
  • Public Engagement Events – 18th to 21st March 2024 (feedback open until 10 May 2024)
    • Campbelltown (45 attendees)
    • Lochgilphead (83 attendees)
    • Lochgoilhead (31 attendees)
    • Arrochar (51 attendees)

Virtual Exhibition: PinPoint ConnectALL ( (3,306 individual views)

97 individual feedback submissions

An engagement event feedback report will be published in due course

  • Bi-Monthly Environmental Steering Group
  • Emergency Services

Slide 4 - General Feedback

Slide 4, as described in the text below
Slide 4
  • General feedback is ‘build it as soon as possible’.
  • Some people raised concerns with being on the Old Military Road (OMR) for periods of construction. However, some people also accept that it needs to happen.
  • Small number of people think it should be a tunnel.
  • Small number of people think it should be a viaduct.
  • Hauliers – key point is communication and advance notice of traffic management.
  • Cycle provision.
  • Quite a number of discussions with people expressing the view that the roof of the debris flow shelter should slope towards the floor of the glen. Generally, when the rationale was explained (e.g. managing water and avoiding scour of the downstream slope) the approach taken was generally understood and accepted.

Slide 5 - Medium Term Solution (MTS) - Phase 1 Works

Slide 5, as described in the text below
Slide 5
  • Ground Investigation Fieldwork Complete
  • Detailed Design Complete
  • Construction preparatory works commenced December 2023
  • Substantially Complete May 2024

Slide 6 - Long Term Solution (LTS)

Slide 6, as described in the text below
Slide 6

Image showing LTS debris flow shelter on A83, with debris flow shelter maintenance access.

Slide 7 - Viewpoint Car Park: Progress

Slide 7, as described in the text below
Slide 7

Image showing draft car park layout.

Slide 8 - Constructability

Slide 8, as described in the text below
Slide 8


  • The following slides present a likely approach to construction. However, the contractor may consider alternative methods.
  • Work ongoing – will set out high level construction considerations and operations, with further updates to Taskforce in the future.
  • Next steps will be to determine further detail of timing of phases and overall construction programme.
  • At present we continue to work on the basis of a 3 to 4 year construction period (as reported at Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 2 route option assessment).

Current Approach:

  • 3 No. work fronts on A83.
  • OMR will be required to be in operation extensively during construction (refer to cross sections).
  • Hillside monitoring will inform safety of workforce, noting advanced installation of additional catch-fences to further safeguard workforce.

Slide 9 - Constructability - Plan Overview

Slide 9, as described in the text below
Slide 9

Image showing three work phases.

Slide 10 - Constructability - existing carriageway

Slide 10, as described in the text below
Slide 10

Image showing existing A83 carriageway.

Slide 11 - Constructability - excavation/rock cutting

Slide 11, as described in the text below
Slide 11

Image showing excavation and rock cutting to form the base of the catch pit.

Slide 12 - Constructability - Foundations

Slide 12, as described in the text below
Slide 12

Image showing foundations for debris flow shelter.

Slide 13 - Constructability - Culverts

Slide 13, as described in the text below
Slide 13

Image showing installation of culverts on existing A83 carriageway.

Slide 14 - Constructability - Debris Flow Shelter

Slide 14, as described in the text below
Slide 14

Image showing travelling gantry crane installing precast wall elements on existing A83 carriageway.

Slide 15 - Constructability - Debris Flow Shelter

Slide 15, as described in the text below
Slide 15

Image showing construction of debris flow shelter on existing A83 carriageway.

Slide 16 - Complete - (operation/maintenance)

Slide 16, as described in the text below
Slide 16

Image showing debris flow shelter in operation.

Slide 17 - 2024 Look Ahead

Slide 17, as described in the text below
Slide 17

Medium Term Solution​

Fences above A83​

  • Debris/Rockfall modelling close to completion​.
  • This will inform a performance specification for procurement​.
  • Current programme seeks to achieve start on site in 2024​.

Remainder of Phase 2/3​

  • Design substantively fixed​.
  • Consenting (Draft Orders), well progressed and currently targeting publication later this year​.

Long Term Solution​

  • Conclude constructability assessment and confirm land requirements.
  • Conclude Biodiversity Net Gain/Natural Capital assessment work.
  • Conclude car park design work.
  • Refine Cost Estimates and undertake value for money review exercise.
  • Complete Engineering, Environmental and Traffic & Economic Assessments.
  • Complete Ground Investigation Fieldwork.
  • Draft Orders/Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) targeting publication by the end of 2024.