Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Latest transport updates and news, as well as useful links to other websites for travel advice and information.
Travelling during COVID-19
- There are no COVID-19 rules or restrictions in Scotland. We are now living with COVID-19 as one of a number of respiratory infections.
- Threat levels: we are not currently using Covid threat levels. We continue to monitor the situation and will use them again if necessary.
- Face Coverings are no longer strongly recommended in public places or on public transport - a risk based approach to face coverings is in place across all settings with respect for those who may be unable to or wish to wear a face covering.
- Current face covering guidance - if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, try to stay at home and avoid contact with others – if you do need to go out, wear a well-fitting face covering
- Scottish Government guidance is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that information for the public and organisations/businesses aligns to current policy.
- For the public - please visit Scottish Government web pages on COVID-19 and respiratory infections
- For organisations and businesses, guidance for public settings and workplaces (including transport operators) can be found on the Scottish Government website. This includes information on the voluntary Stay Well Signage scheme, supporting organisations and businesses to display the protective measures in place in their spaces.