Major progress on next section of A9 to be dualled

Transport Scotland today published made orders for the stretch of the route between Luncarty and Pass of Birnam.

Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Keith Brown said:

“The Scottish Government is committed to delivering our ambitious programme to upgrade the A9 to dual carriageway between Perth and Inverness.

“The publication today of Road Orders for the next section to be dualled between Luncarty and the Pass of Birnam is a clear signal of that commitment and we expect to start the procurement process for the main construction contract for this project next year with work starting on the ground towards the end of 2017.

“Next summer will see the first section to be dualled between Kincraig and Dalraddy open to traffic and with design work ongoing across the programme, we have now identified preferred routes for over 36 miles of the 80 miles to be dualled – meaning that nearly half of the route to be dualled is at preferred route status.

“We remain on target to complete the work in 2025 bringing faster journey times, better journey time reliability and road safety improvements for anyone travelling between the cities of Perth and Inverness.”

Details of the A9 Dualling programme can be found at:

Published 20 Dec 2016 Tags