Balancing demand on the Gourock-Dunoon passenger ferry service

The Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity has approved proposals from Transport Scotland to make the operation of the passenger only CalMac Gourock-Dunoon ferry service more cost-effective. But the Minister has made clear that the views of passengers, the communities, and unions are to be sought to determine which 3 out of the 30 current services are to be stopped.

This decision follows careful consideration and engagement through a wide range of activity last year. This showed that the service continues to support daily commuting to and from Dunoon and Gourock for work and education, but shows low usage levels on a number of sailings outside the morning and evening peaks.

CalMac will now work with communities, employees, unions and passengers to identify which sailings to remove, and with local partners on improved integration with local public transport, to ensure connectivity continues for foot passengers via Western Ferries.

Commenting on the decision, the Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity Jim Fairlie said:

“We need to make sure that CalMac services are efficient and effective, now and in the future. The service between Gourock and Dunoon is highly valued but it is not always well used at different times of the day. We need to balance demand with identified travel needs and use, and focus on the quality and reliability of the remaining sailings.

“I’ve made it clear that in taking this decision, we must take into account the needs of dedicated users who rely on it for their daily travel needs at peak times. Lesser used services will be considered – and those services will be considered again through the provision and availability of alternative transport options to ensure as many people as possible are supported.

“The Scottish Government is committed to this route and I’ve asked CalMac to involve the communities, passengers, employees and unions to inform the options for service removals that best support the needs of people who use the service most. I expect a final decision before summer.

“The focus can now turn to pressing forward with our vessel replacement project, ensuring a more reliable service between Gourock and Dunoon that people and communities deserve.”

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