1818 News Items

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Published: 27 Feb 2014

Transport Minister Keith Brown today announced that grants totalling £1 million are being offered to twenty-nine third sector community transport operators.

D&G Infirmary A75 roundabout works in rude health

Published: 25 Feb 2014

Five in frame for £1.2m contract.

Public Exhibitions on A9 Safety Plan

Published: 25 Feb 2014

Road users asked to give their views.

Borders fares and timetable revealed

Published: 24 Feb 2014

The return of train services to the Borders is one step closer to reality today as Transport Scotland unveils the prices and times of the services.

Games stations boost in £3m rail windfall

Published: 21 Feb 2014

Scotland’s rail network is set for a spring bonanza as it prepares for this year’s major international sporting events.

Brown launches payment pilot to benefit construction industry

Published: 18 Feb 2014

‘Project Bank Accounts’ piloted on first roads infrastructure project.

Perth bridge works finished ahead of schedule

Published: 17 Feb 2014

Refurbishment completed almost two weeks early.

Powers of Independence would better support transport

Published: 4 Feb 2014

£8 billion of capital investment expected to be spent over the next two years will support around 50,000 full time jobs across Scotland, Keith Brown said today.

Main contract for A96 Inveramsay Bridge published

Published: 30 Jan 2014

The A96 Inveramsay Bridge improvement scheme took a step nearer to construction today when the public notice for the main contract, worth around £11 million, was published.

Boost for High Speed plans

Published: 30 Jan 2014

Scotland’s fast-train ambitions are gaining momentum as Transport Minister Keith Brown meets with HS2 Ltd today (THUR) at the high speed rail Centre of Excellence in Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University.

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