About this consultation

Consultation is an essential part of the Scottish Government policy making process. It gives us the opportunity to seek your opinions. This consultation seeks views on the road worker experience of using plans of underground apparatus to dig safely, with a view to set guidance later in the year on this topic. The Scottish Government believes that creating a set standard for the apparatus data being provided will improve safe digging practices and create consistency across all road authorities and statutory utilities by determining the necessary information that should be supplied. After the consultation is closed, we will publish responses where we have been given permission to do so.

Responses are analysed and used as part of the policy making process, along with a range of other available information and evidence. Responses to this consultation will help to inform the development of the resulting guidance to the “Information about apparatus” provision with the New Roads and Streets Works Act 1991 and help shape the approach to the future of the Street Works qualification regime in Scotland.