Next Steps
Commenting on the Environmental Report
Public views are now invited on this Environmental Report. The consultation runs until the 13 March 2025 and there are a number of ways that responses can be submitted. These are:
- By email to:
- By post to:
Transport Scotland
George House
2nd Floor
36 North Hanover Street
G1 2AD
Respondents may find the following questions helpful to provide a focus on their responses to this Environmental Report. Please note that responses do not need to be confined to these questions, and more general comments on this Environmental Report are also invited.
What are your views on the accuracy of the information used to describe the SEA environmental baseline?
What are your views on the predicted environmental effects and mitigation measures?
Post-Adoption SEA Statement
Following consultation on this Environmental Report and consequent revisions to and adoption of the final ICP SAP and VPP, a Post-Adoption SEA Statement will be produced as the final step of the SEA process. Assuming the ICP is adopted by April 2025, this is expected to be ready in May 2025.
The Post-Adoption SEA Statement will document:
- how environmental considerations and SEA findings have been incorporated into the ICP;
- how the environment-related feedback from the consultation on the SAP, VPP and Environmental Report has been incorporated into the ICP;
- the reasons for choosing the plan in light of other reasonable alternatives considered by the SEA; and
- the measures to be taken to monitor the significant environmental effects of implementing the plan (if any).